Volume 11 Number 9 | www.ntskeptics.org | September 1997 |
Copyright © 1996
Fiction (Part Two of two parts) Part One appeared in the August edition of The Skeptic.
Ruth!" Jonathan cried.
"What's the meaning of this interruption?" demanded the Channeler-Judge. "Who is this intruder?"
"Your honor, I am Ruth Randall, Jonathan's wife. I would have been here from the beginning, but these goons have been barring me from these proceedings. But you must hear my testimony! Jonathan could not possibly have been out hurting anybody or out doing anything that night. He spent the entire night in our bed. I know he never left, because I slept very poorly that night. At the same time Mr. Hamilton insists he was being man-handled by my husband and taken to a space ship, Jonathan lay sleeping in my arms!"
"Inadmissible," said the Prosecutor, cool as iron.
Ruth turned to gape at him incredulously. "What do you mean, inadmissible?"
"Mrs. Randall, there are any of several explanations for why you might think Mr. Randall was with you that night. It often happens that a Gray will take on human form, and substitute himself for a man while he is away. Laying with Grays is a very serious charge, and I don't think you want to prompt an investigation on that score. Another possible explanation is that your husband astrally projected himself while his body remained behind."
The Prosecutor was addressing the courtroom now. "The most recent thinking on the abduction phenomenon characterizes it as more of a psychical occurrence than a physical one. It may be less a case of corporeal beings from other planets arriving in metal spaceships as spiritual beings from another dimension intruding upon our own. The characterization of the Grays as 'spacemen' may indeed be little more than a holdover from the kind of scientific superstition common before the dawning of the New Age."
"What's the matter with all you people?" Ruth asked of them. "Are you all insane? Are you all blind?"
"Mrs. Randall," the Judge began, "Have you noticed our statue of Lady Justice we have here? Have you noticed that she wears a blind fold?"
"Have you ever wondered why that is so?"
"No," Ruth said, sullen now.
"She is blindfolded to remind us always that what is seen can be false, whereas what is believed in our hearts is known to be true," the Judge explained.
"What about the scales?"
"Well, I can see you missed my point," the Channeler-Judge said with disappointment. "Now please be seated."
Ruth sat down. Jonathan looked at her with an expression not yet entirely devoid of hope.
"Now," the Judge continued, "If there can be no more interruptions, I should like to pass judgment at this time. For a case of this seriousness, I can turn to none less than Sarius, Atlantean High-Priestess of the Mystical Order of Frod."
The lights in the courtroom suddenly dimmed, except for a soft spotlight on the Judge's bench. The Judge's eyes closed, and his head slowly rolled side to side. The entire court leaned forward attentively.
The Judge's mouth opened, and one silky, falsetto word came out.
The lights came back up. The Channeler-Judge jerked with a start, and opened his eyes. The court buzzed. Jonathan stared off into the distance, not seeing anything.
"What was the verdict?" the Judge asked.
"Guilty, your Honor," the RV-Prosecutor supplied.
"I see. Now all that remains is the sentencing. Mr. Jonathan Randall, this court has found you guilty of the charges brought against you. You are hereby sentenced to being taken to the nearest mall parking lot, being tied to a stake, having firewood heaped about you, and having a fire lit and built up until such point as you spontaneously combust. I would additionally like to issue a restraining order against your guardian angel to prevent him or her from interfering in the carrying out of this sentence."
"NOOOO!" Jonathan screamed. He jumped up, and began to bolt from the courtroom. Several members of the gallery grabbed and restrained him until the Bailiff, now evidently recovered, was able to get Jonathan into a headlock. Ruth battered the Bailiff, and had to be restrained herself.
"ORDER, ORDER, ORDER!!!" shrieked the Judge. He was on his feet now, and began pounding his mighty brass gavel like an out-of-control pile driver. The RV-Prosecutor discreetly backed away, certain that any second the gavel was going to splinter its plate into a hundred flying fragments.
Jonathan was still struggling in the grip of the Bailiff. "Settle down. Settle down!" the Bailiff yelled. "Don't make me use my Ninja skills on you, now!"
Ruth twisted away from the mob, and staggered over to the Judge's bench to plead for mercy. She couldn't get his attention because his eyes were closed, and he was humming to himself. Behind him, the Court-Aura Reader was working over his aura, pulling out all the negative karma lest it trouble some future life. She made little plucking motions all around the air surrounding the Judge's head and shoulders. Her head moved back and forth, and she sometimes blinked, jerking back a little, giving the impression that the judge's bad karma occasionally splashed up into her face like the water from a lawn sprinkler.
When she was finished, the Judge's eyes snapped back open. Then he held up his brass gavel, and smiled for the first time that day. The handle of the gavel was slightly bent.
"Hey, look here! Looks like all those Psychokinesis seminars are finally beginning to pay off," he related with delight. "And speaking of seminars, I have one to give myself in less than two hours. Remote Viewer-Prosecutor, is there anything else on the docket today, anything important?"
The RV-Prosecutor scanned it quickly. "Nothing of any great consequence, your Honor."
"Fine," the Channeler-Judge said, banging his crooked gavel one last time. "Then I declare this court of the Municipality of Salem, Massachusetts, to be adjourned!"
The End
A few notes for the reader...
Anyone who thinks the claims made against any character in this story are too insane to be stated by any real person should study the history of the Inquisition.
Anyone who thinks the human race is less cruel now than in the Middle Ages should turn on the Six O'clock News.
Anyone who thinks the kind of superstitions which darkened the Middle Ages are dead and gone forever should attend a New Age seminar.
In August at the meeting of the Metroplex Institute of Origin Science (MIOS) Dr. Don R. Patton, geologist, spoke on the subject of "Topsy-Turvy Fossils."
Undergraduate geology texts are deceitful regarding the geological column, according to Patton. He said that the texts implied the existence of an actual column of material containing every sedimentary layer from geological time. In fact, he correctly points out, no such column exists. Geologists acknowledge that any boring into Earth's crust will not produce a column containing a complete time record. The time record of any single boring would have to be completed by merging it with the record from other borings. This is because no single spot on the world's surface has continually accumulated sediment and also because very often erosion removes top layers of sediment before new sediment is added to the column. Patton is one of the many creationists who employ this tactic to debunk the geological argument for an old Earth.
The meeting notice quotes from Don also showed a photo of what he calls a boot print in limestone at
Antelope Springs, Utah. A trilobite fossil is inside the "print," and Don
said this illustrates that trilobites did not go extinct prior to human
existence. He did not say when trilobites did go extinct.
The coelacanth is also mentioned. This prehistoric fish was thought
to be long extinct, just like the dinosaurs, because only a fossil record
was known. Then a specimen was caught by a fishing trawler off the coast
of Africa in 1939. Since then additional specimens have been caught, showing
the coelacanth is certainly not extinct. Don argued from this that lack
of dinosaurs in a zoo is no more an argument for their extinction than
was the previous lack of living coelacanths prior to 1939.
Don seemed in his talk to argue that dinosaurs still exist, and he recounted
tales of observations and near observations by others. He also mentioned
the recordings of dinosaur sounds from the Congo region in Africa. Previously
[The Skeptic, February 1997] David Bassett had played these recordings
when he lectured on Living Dinosaurs for MIOS. In fact, Don covered
again much of the ground that Bassett did last February.
The Anasazi ("ancient ones") disappeared from the Four Corners region
of North America well before Europeans arrived, and they are believed to
be the ancestors of the modern Pueblo. Don lectured that the Anasazi were
contemporaneous with dinosaurs, and he exhibited Anasazi petroglyphs that
he said depicted dinosaurs. Don also cited a book The whole purpose of Don's talk was to impress upon us all that the
world is really not that old. Dinosaurs have not had time to go completely
extinct, fossils do not take all that long to form, and there is a lot
of overlap between human existence and "ancient" geological formations.
To reinforce this last point, Don reminded us of the "hammer-in-stone"
artifact from the Creation Evidences Museum, and he also showed a photo
of the "coal pot." I have previously discussed the hammer [The Skeptic,
September 1996], and Don said the coal pot was of the same metal – iron
alloyed with chlorine and sulfur with no carbon. The coal pot, he said,
was found in a lump of coal, and he exhibited a 1948 affidavit by the finder
attesting to its authenticity.
A bizarre artifact that Don exhibited that night was a cowboy boot containing
the petrified leg bone of the cowboy. This, he pointed out, demonstrates
how rapid petrifaction can occur. It would appear petrifaction can occur
very quickly, because this looks like a 20th century style boot.
It would appear that local creationists are not sitting around waiting
for evolution to wither on the vine. Don recounted his recent trip to South
America to check out, among other things, reports of a pterosaur find.
This didn't pan out, however, he told us. He checked out the "pterosaur"
and its finder. "He's a nut" we were told. Don mentioned that this fall
he will be joining MIOS Chairman Dean Huffman in Ukraine for further field
It's during the question and answer period following these MIOS talks
that the nature of the local creationists often comes out. Don was asked
to comment on the "gobbledy-gook" about the Mars rover. There followed
much laughter and derision directed toward this recent NASA accomplishment.
Creationists tend to think of space exploration as a government attempt
to refute religion by discovering other origins of life. Additionally,
the MIOS crowd had some choice remarks concerning the scientists' contention
that massive flooding on Mars explained what they are seeing now on the
The APS News is published monthly by the American Physical Society,
and, as recently reported here, the APS earlier this year reaffirmed its
stance against creationism. John Cimbala has written a letter to by Danny Barnett
Bob Larson, once described by a critic as "the Geraldo Rivera of Jesus
radio," sits behind the microphone in his studio in Denver, Colorado. Bronchitis
and a rigorous traveling schedule have weakened Larson, and he's still
fighting a nagging cough and the aftermath of laryngitis. Despite his poor
health, Larson is fired up and launching himself into another broadcast
of Talk Back with Bob Larson, a Christian talk radio program heard
throughout the United States and Canada. The subject on this July afternoon
is the movie Larson's first salvo is fired at NASA, criticizing the deployment of
the Sojourner rover on the surface of Mars to study its geology.
In 1996, a meteorite was discovered in Antarctica that is believed to have
come from Mars, and some scientists claim that the meteorite presents evidence
that life may have once existed on the Red Planet. Some are hoping that
the <Sojourner mission will turn up further evidence that life
once existed on Mars. This makes Larson's blood boil.
"NASA has deified Carl Satan," Larson tells his radio audience, unable
to resist the pun. "And they've made the late Carl Sagan the patron saint
of the search for life on other planets. Our space program is driven by
occult inspiration, not scientific investigation."
With that statement, Larson segues into his discussion of Contact:
"Listen, if you think It's not just Contact that Larson is taking to task; he's got
a real problem with the Hollywood movie industry churning out movies that
capitalize on America's fascination with the possibility of extraterrestrial
life. To make a long story short, it appears that Larson believes that
Earth is the only place in the physical universe where life exists. As
for the flying saucers and aliens that many claim to have seen, Larson
explains them as follows: "These aliens are demons. They are disguising
themselves as aliens, but they are really demons."
Larson's view is based on his beliefs — which he claims are based on
Biblical teachings — that mankind was created in the image and likeness
of God and that we, as humans, share a unique relationship with the Almighty
that other creatures such as chimpanzees, gorillas, parrots, and dolphins
do not possess. The very idea of extraterrestrial life, let alone self-aware
extraterrestrial life, could be enough to challenge this notion of
humanity's unique position in the cosmos. Larson also studies religious
movements, especially those that fall under the "New Age" banner, that
see extraterrestrials as somehow being the saviors of Earth and look forward
to having aliens come down to Earth and set humanity right — a job that
Larson claims Jesus should be in charge of.
To explain his observations concerning UFOs as well as related topics
such as crop circles, the Roswell incident, alien abductions, and the Heaven's
Gate cult, Larson is planning to release a book called Keep Looking Up is a relative newcomer to Christian radio, and
is currently heard on around a half-dozen AM stations throughout America.
Pastor Roger Davis and his wife, Marlene, host the program, but it was
Marlene who did much of the talking during a recent series of broadcasts
that dealt with UFOs. Marlene explained why she felt extraterrestrials
do not exist — because the Bible precludes their existence. She cited Genesis
1:1, which states that "In the beginning God created the heavens and the
earth," and Philippians 2:10, which states that at the name of Jesus every
knee shall bow "of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under
the earth." Commenting on the latter passage, Marlene stated, "God is telling
us there that all beings are limited right now — of the whole universe
— to either heaven, or this earth, or the atmosphere around the earth,
or Hell within the earth."
A couple of observations: (1) The author of the Epistle to the Philippians
was the Apostle Paul, not God. Granted, a fundamentalist Christian can
always quote II Timothy 3:16, which states that "all Scripture is given
by inspiration of God," but that's another debate entirely. (2) Paul was
making a statement concerning the ultimate sovereignty of Jesus as a result
of his crucifixion on Golgotha and subsequent resurrection; he was If true, this statement would certainly rule out the possibility of
life on Mars or anywhere else in the universe except Earth. So what does
that make UFOs? According to the Davises, they can actually be classified
in two categories: Identified Flying Objects (IFOs) and Unidentified Flying
Objects (UFOs). IFOs are objects that have been identified by Biblical
authors such as David or Ezekiel. David recorded in one of his Psalms that
God had 20,000 chariots at his disposal, and the Davises have postulated
that maybe one of those carried Elijah up into the heavens as recorded
in II Kings 2:11. Ezekiel related a vision he had of "a wheel within a
wheel" rotating in the sky. Contrast that with UFOs, which are not identified
in the Bible and therefore, according to Marlene, are "demon manifestations,
some type of an aircraft that they have in the demoniac realm."
The first modern UFO sighting in America, as well as the controversial
Roswell incident, both occurred in 1947. Marlene observes, "It was the
year right before Israel became a nation." Roger reminds her at this time
that she once stated a belief that the re-establishment of Israel heralded
the beginning of the "End Times." Marlene adds: "It's no coincidence, I
don't believe, that all these sightings of the flying saucer phenomenon
started in 1947. See, something's going on up there in the heavenlies.
And we know from Revelation that there will be a great war between Michael
and his angels and Satan and the fallen angels at the very end times. And
so what could be happening is we see...the demoniac forces and angelic
forces." That's right — a war between Satan's legions of flying saucers
and Michael's armada of flaming chariots over the formation of Israel.
As Marlene states: "When something big happens like Israel becoming a nation,
there is stuff going on in the heavenly realm."
At this point, you might decide to turn the radio knob again, only to
find the radio version of Newswatch Magazine on another Christian
radio station. Newswatch Magazine is distributed by the Church of
God Evangelistic Association, which is located in Waxahachie, Texas, and
it can be heard throughout America on AM and shortwave radio. David J.
Smith, host of Newswatch Magazine and pastor of the Church of God
Evangelistic Association, preaches an eclectic blend of end-time prophecy,
Anglo-Israelism, conspiracy theories, and fundamentalist Christianity.
Like Larson and the Davises, Smith believes that UFOs are the creation
of Satan, but in one sermon preached back in January 1997, Smith threw
a curve ball: "Satan will be coming; he's going to be kicked out of the
heavens according to Revelation 12:12, and when he comes, he and his fallen
angels and all of the mutants that they have created through gene-splicing
— what's happened to all these little children that disappear every year?
What happens to...the street people that all of a sudden just disappear,
nobody ever knows what's happened to them? Oh yes, they're used, and they're
used for gene-splicing; they're creating mutants — individuals they can
control — and they're the ones who are flying these objects."
Smith's evidence that demons engaged in gene-splicing can be found in
Genesis 6:4, where the "sons of God" coupled with human females, producing
"giants" and "mighty men of renown." Smith identifies these "sons" of God
as the fallen angels spoken of in Jude 6, and throws a curve ball by hypothesizing
that the creation of these wicked "men of renown" owed more to ancient
gene-splicing rather than procreation.
Like many others who study UFOs, Smith also has identified flying saucers
with cattle mutilations in the West as well as secret government projects.
In another January 1997 sermon, Smith detailed an attempt by some folks
to distract a flying saucer in the deserts of New Mexico by "tagging" it
with a laser scope mounted on a rifle. The laser frightened the saucer
off — and attracted the attention of an unmarked black helicopter. The
helicopter promptly landed next to the party and deployed black-uniformed,
anonymous soldiers (possibly those pesky United Nations World Government
stormtroopers) who confiscated their possessions, including the gun and
laser scope.
At this point, let's return to Talk Back with Bob Larson, where
Larson has been taking calls from listeners for a while. The first one
we hear is Loretta, who talks about a Christian pilot that she knew: "He
said that he often saw UFOs, and because he was a Christian, he commanded
them to leave in the name of Jesus, and they disappeared. So that's proof
to us that in the name of Jesus, we have power over it, so it has to be
demoniac manifestations."
I don't know about you, but if I ever fly on an airplane and hear the
pilot start shouting because he's seeing things, I'm going to be a more
than a little concerned. There's a lot to see in the skies, including weather
balloons, other airplanes, flocks of birds, unusual cloud formations, and
so on. In addition, many people have what are known as "vitreous floaters"
in their eyes. Slight imperfections in the eye can cause people to see
"spots" in their eyes which are perfectly harmless in most cases. My caution
to Loretta would be that hearsay from a pilot who may be shouting at "little
green men" at an altitude of 30,000 feet doesn't exactly constitute proof
of demoniac manifestations. Maybe that pilot's overdue for a nice, relaxing
vacation in San Antonio or Corpus Christi. I know I certainly am.
After a couple of minutes, we hear Larson talk to Molly, who has a somewhat
different perspective on the whole subject; she's amazed with the "heavy
Christian overtones" that she noticed in Unable to convince Molly of her error, a somber Larson makes this remark
afterwards: "My heart is broken over the Mollys of this world. Molly, I've
been fightin' demons longer than you've been livin'. Please take a little
piece of advice from somebody who's a spiritual warfare warrior who's been
down in the trenches, taking the forces of Hell head-on before you even
took your first breath. Choose this day whom you will serve."
The debate over extraterrestrials has been complicated by various trends
in pseudoscience and antiscience coming from all sides. Faked saucer photos,
alien abduction stories, mass suicides by UFO cultists, and legends of
government cover-ups have been joined by religious believers who either
anticipate the coming of humanity's saviors or, in the case of Bob Larson,
David J. Smith, and the Davises, see their arrival as yet another sign
that The End is near.
What is being lost in the shuffle is the very real fact that there is
still much for us to learn about the universe. Only within the past few
years have we discovered any tangible evidence of planets orbiting other
stars. Only last month did we manage to put a rover on another planet to
start an ongoing mission of exploration. The last thing we need is for
hysteria to overshadow a legitimate, scientific debate over whether or
not we are alone in the universe. Ginny Vaughn once told me of a Pogo
cartoon that pondered the same question. A paraphrase of the final
conclusion went like this: "Whatever the answer, it's mind-boggling."
Authentic Testimonies from Clients of The Skeptic Friends Network
by Paul Somerville Moore
(Samizdat OnLine News Service ----) "I had a feeling I shouldn't go
to work that day, so I called my friend at the Skeptic Friends Network
— where they have real skeptics, not celebrity skeptics like they do at
the other skeptic networks — and told him about it," said Hortense Grigsby
of Salem, Massachusetts. "And I can't begin to tell you how much he helped
"The first thing he said," Grigsby continued, "was that a feeling is
not a testable hypothesis — although he suggested that if I'd kept a log
of my feelings and premonitions over a significant period of time and could
base my decision on an inductive analysis of how my hunches had worked
out in the past, I might be able to predict how valid they were likely
to be."
"As it turns out," Grigsby told Samizdat OnLine News Service, "I had
in fact kept quite detailed records, study of which disclosed that none
of my fears had ever come true! Not even one."
"So, I went to work in spite of the fact that I felt like something
bad would happen if I did, and wouldn't you just know it, I turned out
to be right for once in my life. The Burger King were I work was robbed
at gunpoint, and I was shot by the robber and now I'm a quadriplegic."
"But even though things didn't turn out very well in that one instance,"
Grigsby acknowledged as her attendant adjusted her breathing tube, "I know
my skeptic friend was right about the importance of rigorous inductive
analysis in making decisions, and I still call him whenever I can get someone
to dial the phone for me."
"My skeptic friend taught me how to win at the lottery," enthused another
caller. "He used a computer model he'd created to show me just how unlikely
it was that I'd ever get one of those multi-million dollar payoffs and
told me how I could save hundreds of dollar each and every month by buying
food at the grocery store instead of all those losing lottery tickets.
And because I'm eating again, I even feel better — all thanks to my skeptic
The Skeptic Friends Network was launched last month by sincerely questioning
people who were concerned by the huge profits made by so-called psychics
who offered little more than emotional card tricks to callers at $3.99
and more per minute. A group of these sincere questioners asked themselves
the sincere question: How can I get in on this deal?, and the Skeptic Friends
Network was born.
"We differ from those psychic networks in significant ways," said Credo
Markwell of the Skeptic Friends Network. "We don't make those disclaimers
saying that our advice is for entertainment purposes only, as the psychic
networks do while claiming to change lives. We promise to help people make
good inductive choices in their lives based on testable hypotheses and
verifiable evidence. And we charge about half of what they do — $2.00 a
minute, and the first ten minutes are free."
Markwell acknowledges that callers tend to spend most of those first
ten minutes listening to their skeptic friend clarifying the fact that
atheism is not, in fact a religious belief, but a belief about religion;
and describing the technical shortcomings of the movie "That's something we'd be proud of," Markwell told Samizdat OnLine News
Service, "if it weren't for the fact that pride isn't rational, so we don't
feel it."
"I was co-dependently involved with a drunken, methamphetamine-addicted,
physically abusive motorcycle mechanic," said Ron Toggle of Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania, "and my skeptic friend helped me look at our relationship
realistically and decide not to see her anymore. After we broke up, she
stopped drinking, went to rehab for her amphetamine dependency, got therapy
for her abusive tendencies, began attending church, and now lives in a
mansion and owns the four largest Harley-Davidson franchises in Pennsylvania."
"At first, I was a little angry over the fact that I'd let her go, but
I called my skeptic friend, who asked me if I really wanted to be involved
with somebody who goes to church, and I realized he was right."
"I called my skeptic friend to ask if the guy I was dating — a Ph.D.
mathematician specializing in fractals — was the one for me, and he told
me he was," testified Mildred Donahoe-Herbert of Modesto, California. "So
I married him, and we bought a huge house and had three kids. I was very
happy until he ran off with that aerobics instructor. I haven't seen him
since, and my children and I have my skeptic friend to thank for that!"
Credo Markwell suggests there is reason for skepticism about Ms. Donahoe-Herbert's
account of her experience with the Skeptic Friends Network. "I can't be
sure," Markwell said carefully, "but it seems somewhat unlikely that this
woman could have gotten married, bought a house, and given birth to three
children in less than a month."
More likely to be an accurate account of an experience with the Skeptic
Friends Network is that of struggling actor Lance Hansom, who called from
a pay phone in Hollywood to ask his skeptic friend what would happen if
he stayed in L.A. trying to be an actor. "When the skeptic told him that
he would almost certainly — based on solid empirical and testable evidence
— end up at age fifty cadging quarters to pay for his twenty-first facelift
so he could get his first real acting job, Lance went back to his father's
hardware business in Pocatello, Idaho, where he is reportedly doing very
well and is extremely happy. Now, that's the kind of good advice you can
expect from the Skeptic Friends Network," Markwell suggested.
To speak to your very own personal skeptic — who is, Markwell assures
us, waiting eagerly for you to call — just dial 1 (800) GET-REAL. "Unlike
those other skeptic networks, which use celebrity skeptics, "we have real
skeptics at the Skeptic Friends Network. Don't put it off, or it will be
later when you finally get around to it," Markwell concluded logically.
"Call now."
Paul Somerville Moore, Oklahoma Brothrpaul@AOL.COM
Figure 1. This photo is from the Creation
Evidences Museum home page. Carl Baugh and Don Patton insist that this
is the fossil of a human finger.
Flying Saucers — or Fiendish Spirits?
Fundamentalist Christians denounce space exploration, identify UFOs
as demons, and claim that Hell is found in the Earth's core
The skeptic friends network
How One Phone Call Changed Their Lives: