Books on creationism
New CUP title on Intelligent Design
Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA
William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse (Editors)
Cambridge University Press, released July 2004, 424 pages, $45.00 Description
William Dembski, Michael Ruse, and other prominent philosophers provide here a comprehensive balanced overview of the debate concerning biological origins--a controversial dialectic since Darwin published The Origin of Species in 1859. Invariably, the source of controversy has been "design." Is the appearance of design in organisms (as exhibited in their functional complexity) the result of purely natural forces acting without prevision or teleology? Or, does the appearance of design signify genuine prevision and teleology, and, if so, is that design empirically detectable and thus open to scientific inquiry? Four main positions have emerged in response to these questions: *Darwinism* *self-organization* *theistic evolution* *intelligent design*. The contributors to this volume define their respective positions in an accessible style, inviting readers to draw their own conclusions. Two introductory essays furnish a historical overview of the debate. William A. Dembski is an associate research professor in the conceptual foundations of science at Baylor University as well as a senior fellow with Seattle's Discovery Institute. His most important books are The Design Inference (Cambridge, 1998) and No Free Lunch (Rowman and Littlefield, 2002). Michael Ruse is Lucyle T. Werkmeister Professor of Philosophy at Florida State University. He is the author of many books, including Can a Darwinian Be a Christian?: The Relationship Between Science and Religion (Cambridge, 2000).TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. General Introduction -- William A. Dembski and Michael Ruse
2. The Argument from Design: A Brief History -- Michael Ruse
3. Who's Afraid of ID? A Survey of the Intelligent Design Movement -- Angus MenugePART I: DARWINISM
4. Design without Designer: Darwin's Greatest Discovery -- Francisco J. Ayala
5. The Flagellum Unspun: The Collapse of "Irreducible Complexity" -- Kenneth R. Miller
6. The Design Argument -- Elliott Sober
7. DNA by Design? Stephen Meyer and the Return of the God Hypothesis -- Robert T. PennockPART II: COMPLEX SELF-ORGANIZATION
8. Prolegomenon to a General Biology -- Stuart Kauffman
9. Darwinism, Design, and Complex Systems Dynamics -- Bruce H. Weber and David J. Depew
10. Emergent Complexity, Teleology, and the Arrow of Time -- Paul Davies
11. The Emergence of Biological Value -- James BarhamPART III: THEISTIC EVOLUTION
12. Darwin, Design, and Divine Providence -- John F. Haught
13. The Inbuilt Potentiality of Creation -- John Polkinghorne
14. Theistic Evolution -- Keith Ward
15. Intelligent Design: Some Geological, Historical, and Theological Questions -- Michael Roberts
16. The Argument from Laws of Nature Reassessed -- Richard SwinburnePART IV: INTELLIGENT DESIGN
17. The Logical Underpinnings of Intelligent Design -- William A. Dembski
18. Information, Entropy, and the Origin of Life -- Walter L. Bradley
19. Irreducible Complexity: Obstacle to Darwinian Evolution -- Michael J. Behe
20. The Cambrian Information Explosion: Evidence for Intelligent Design -- Stephen C. Meyer
Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (Hardcover)
Reinventing Darwin : The Great Debate at...
The Triumph of Evolution...And the...
Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design (Paperback)
Creationism's Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design (Hardcover)
Creation Vs. Evolution (Examine the Evidence) by Ralph O. Muncaster (Paperback - March 2000)
Scientific Creationism by Henry M. Morris(Editor) (Paperback - October 1996)
Scientists Confront Creationism by Laurie R. Godfrey(Editor) (Paperback - April 1984)
Abusing Science : The Case Against Creationism
by Philip Kitcher. Paperback (March 1984)Anti-Evolution : A Reader's Guide to Writings Before and After Darwin
by Tom McIver. Paperback (October 1992)Ape or Adam? : Our Roots According to the Book of Genesis
by William R. Van Der Zee, William R. Van Der Zee. Paperback (November 1996)The Battle of Beginnings : Why Neither Side Is Winning the Creation-Evolution Debate
by Delvin Lee Ratzsch, Del Ratzsch. Paperback (February 1996)Biblical Creationism : What Each Book of the Bible Teaches About Creation & the Flood
by Henry Morris. Paperback (February 2000)Bones of Contention : A Creationist Assessment of the Human Fossils
by Marvin L. Lubenow. Paperback (December 1992)Boyd's Handbook of Practical Apologetics : Scientific Facts, Fulfilled Prophecies and Archaeological Discoveries That Confirm the Bible
by Robert T. Boyd. Paperback (January 1997)But Is It Science? : The Philosophical Question in the Creation/Evolution Controversy (Frontiers of Philosophy)
by Michael Ruse(Editor). Paperback (August 1996)Children of Light
by Jan Royce Conant. Paperback (August 15, 1998)Christian Perspective on Creation Vs. Evolution
by Michael L. McCoy. Paperback (October 1996)Constructing 'the Beginning' : Discourses of Creation Science (Lea's Communication Series)
by Simon Locke. Paperback (September 1998)Creation and Evolution : Rethinking the Evidence from Science and the Bible
by Alan Hayward. Paperback (July 1995)Creation and Time: A Biblical and Scientific Perspective on the Creation-Date Controversy.
by Hugh, Dr. Ross. Paperback (March 1994)The Creation Hypothesis : Scientific Evidence for an Intelligent Designer
by J. P. Moreland(Editor), Phillip E. Johnson (Designer). Paperback (March 1994)Creation in Six Days: A Defense of the Traditional Reading of Genesis One
by James B. Jordan. Paperback (December 6, 1999)Creation Science Made Easy
by Elizabeth J. Ridlon, Robert W. Ridlon. Mass Market Paperback (March 31, 1999)Creation Vs. Evolution (Examine the Evidence)
by Ralph O. Muncaster. Paperback (March 2000)Creation, Evolution, & Modern Science : Probing the Headlines That Impact Your Family
by Raymond G. Bohlin, Kerby Anderson. Paperback (February 2000)The Creation/Evolution Controversy : An Annotated Bibliography (Magill Bibliographies)
by James L. Hayward. Hardcover (May 1, 1998)Creationism on Trial : Evolution and God at Little Rock (Studies in Religion and Culture)
by Langdon Brown Gilkey. Paperback (October 1998)Creationism's Upside-Down Pyramid : How Science Refutes Fundamentalism
by Lee Tiffin. Hardcover (August 1994)The Creationists
by Ronald L. Numbers. Paperback (September 1993)Cult Archaeology & Creationism : Understanding Pseudoscientific Beliefs About the Past
by Francis B. Harrold(Editor), Raymond A. Eve (Editor). Paperback (October 1995)Darwin's Leap of Faith : Exposing the False Religion of Evolution
by John Ankerberg, John Weldon. Paperback (February 1998)Dictionary of Science & Creationism
by Ronald L. Ecker, Martin Gardner. Hardcover (March 1990)Dinosaurs : The Bible, Barney & Beyond
by Phil Phillips. Paperback (March 1995)Dinosaurs and Creation : Questions and Answers
by Donald B. Deyoung. Paperback (July 2000)Dinosaurs by Design
by Duane T. Gish, Earl Snellenberger (Illustrator). Hardcover (March 1993)Early Earth
by John C. Whitcomb. Paperback (February 1987)Epperson V. Arkansas : The Evolution-Creationism Debate (Landmark Supreme Court Cases)
by Jonathan L. Thorndike. Library Binding (January 1999)Evolution and the Myth of Creationism : A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate
by Tim M. Berra. Paperback (September 1990)Evolution and the Myth of Creationism: A Basic Guide to the Facts in the Evolution Debate
by Tim M. Berra. Hardcover (September 1990)Evolution Extended: Biological Debates on the Meaning of Life
by Connie Barlow(Editor). Hardcover (April 22, 1994)Evolutionary Tales : Rhyme and Reason on Creation/Evolution
by Ronald L. Ecker. Paperback (June 1996)Evolutionism and Creationism (Single Title: Social Studies: Current Events)
by Ben Sonder. School & Library Binding (September 1999)The Facts on Creation Vs Evolution/ Facts on Series
by John Ankerberg, John Weldon. Paperback (August 1993)Genesis and the Decay of the Nations
by Ken Ham, Kenneth Ham. Paperback (October 1996)Genesis, Creation and Early Man
by Seraphim Father Rose, et al. Paperback (March 16, 2000)God After Darwin : A Theology of Evolution
by John F. Haught. Hardcover (November 1999)God at Ground Zero : The Manhattan Project and a Scientist's Discovery of Christ the Creator
by Curt Sewell. Paperback (August 1997)God's Own Scientists : Creationists in a Secular World
by Christopher P. Toumey. Paperback (May 1994)Goodbye Darwin
by Cherif El Ayouty. Hardcover (August 8, 1998)Holy Diner : Creation
by David Klein. Audio Cassette (November 1, 1999)Holy Diner : Evolution
by Dr. David Klein. Audio Cassette (November 1, 1999)How to Read the World : Creation in Evolution
by Christian Montenant, et al. Paperback (December 1985)Impeaching Mere Creationism
by Philip Frymire. Paperback (May 2000)In Six Days : Why 50 Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation
by John Ashton(Editor). Paperback (August 2000)In the Beginning : A Scientist Shows Why the Creationists Are Wrong
by Chris McGowan. Paperback (February 1984)A Is for Adam : The Gospel from Genesis
by Ken Ham, et al. Library Binding (October 1996)Life in the Great Ice Age
by Michael J. Oard, et al. Hardcover (October 1996)The Mythmaker's Magic : Behind the Illusion of 'Creation Science'
by Delos B. McKown. Hardcover (January 1993)Origins : Creation or Evolution
by Richard B. Bliss. Paperback (June 1988)The Paradigm Trilogy
by Gerry Burney. Paperback (August 1, 1997)Science and Creationism
by Ashley Montagu(Editor). Hardcover (March 1984)Science and Creationism
by Ashley Montagu(Editor), Isaac Asimov (Photographer). Paperback (March 1984)Science and Earth History : The Evolution/Creation Controversy
by Arthur N. Strahler. Hardcover (November 1999)Scientific Creationism
by Henry M. Morris(Editor). Paperback (October 1996)Scientists Confront Creationism
by Laurie R. Godfrey(Editor). Paperback (April 1984)Selected Works of George McCready Price (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 7)
by George McCready Price, Ronald L. Numbers (Editor). Hardcover (April 1995)Starlight and Time : Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe
by D. Russell Humphreys. Paperback (October 1996)Three Views on Creation and Evolution
by James Porter Moreland(Editor), John Mark Reynolds (Editor). Paperback (March 1, 1999)Tornado in a Junkyard : The Relentless Myth of Darwinism
by James Perloff. Paperback (July 1999)Tower of Babel : The Evidence Against the New Creationism
by Robert T. Pennock. Paperback (April 2000)Tower of Babel: The Evidence against the New Creationism
by Robert T. Pennock. Hardcover (March 19, 1999)The Triumph of Evolution...And the Failure of Creationism
by Niles Eldredge. Hardcover (May 2000)Unlocking the Mysteries of Creation
by Dennis R. Petersen, David Petersen. Library Binding (January 1990)The Weather Book (Wonders of Creation , No 1)
by Michael J. Oard. Hardcover (March 1997)What Is Creation Science
by Henry Madison Morris, Gary E. Parker. Paperback (October 1996)What's Darwin Got to Do With It : A Friendly Conversation About Evolution
by Robert C. Newman(Editor), et al. Paperback (January 2000)What's With the Mutant in the Microscope : Stuff to Know When Science Says Your Uncle Is a Monkey
by Kevin Johnson, James R. White. Paperback (October 1999)Anti-Evolution : An Annotated Bibliography
by Tom McIver. Hardcover (March 1989)The Antievolution Pamphlets of Harry Rimmer (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 6)
by Edward B. Davis(Editor). Hardcover (March 1995)The Antievolution Pamphlets of William Bell Riley (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 4)
by William Bell Riley, William Vance Trollinger (Editor). Hardcover (March 1995)The Antievolution Works of Arthur I. Brown (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 3)
by Arthur I. Brown, Ronald L. Numbers (Editor). Hardcover (May 1995)Antievolutionism Before World War I (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 1)
by Ronald L. Numbers(Editor). Hardcover (March 1995)The Argument : Creationism Vs Evolutionism
by Wilbert H., Sr. Rusch. Paperback (December 1984)Before The First Day: The Full Story Of The Earth's Creation
by Leander R. Pimenta, Jacamar (Illustrator). Paperback (October 1, 1998)Biology Through the Eyes of Faith
by Richard T. Wright. Paperback (March 1989)The Biotic Message : Evolution Versus Message Theory
by Walter J. Remine. Hardcover (October 1993)Boyd's Handbook of Practical Apologetics
by Robert T. Boyd. Paperback (September 1996)Constructing 'the Beginning' : Discourses of Creation Science (Lea's Communication Series)
by Simon Locke. Hardcover (September 1998)Creation and Evolution in the Early American Scientific Affiliation (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 10)
by Mark A. Kalthoff(Editor). Hardcover (March 1995)Creation and Scientific Explanation (Theology and Science at the Frontiers of Knowledge, No 10)
by Walter P. Carvin. Hardcover (December 1988)Creation and Time
Paperback (March 1994)Creation or Evolution : Correspondence on the Current Controversy
by E.O. Dodson, George Howe. Paperback (April 1990)Creation's Tiny Mystery
by Robert V. Gentry. Paperback (May 1992)Creationism in Twentieth-Century America : A Ten-Volume Anthology of Documents, 1903-1961
by Ronald L. Numbers(Editor). Hardcover (January 1995)The Creationist Writings of Byron C. Nelson (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 5)
by Byron C. Nelson, Paul Nelson (Editor). Hardcover (March 1995)Darwin Was Wrong : A Study in Probabilities
by I.L. Cohen. Hardcover (December 1984)Early Creationist Journals (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 9)
by Ronald L. Numbers(Editor). Hardcover (April 1995)The Early Writings of Harold W. Clark and Frank Lewis Marsh (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 8)
by Harold Willard Clark, et al. Hardcover (December 1994)The Evidence for Creation; Examining the Origin of Planet Earth
by G. S. McLean, et al. Paperback (December 1995)Faith, Reason, and Earth History : A Paradigm of Earth and Biological Origins by Intelligent Design
by Leonard Brand. Paperback (February 1997)Fallacies of Creationism
by W. Young. Hardcover (September 1985)Fossils, Frogs, Fish and Friends
by Kenneth, Jr. Ernst. Paperback (June 1984)Foundations for Creationism ((Creation Science Ser.; Vol. 1))
by Dennis G. Lindsay. Paperback (October 1990)God's Own Scientists : Creationists in a Secular World
by Christopher P. Toumey. Hardcover (March 1994)Monitoring the Future : Questionnaire Responses from the Nation's High School Seniors, 1990 (Monitoring the Future: Questionaire Responses from the na
by Lloyd D. Johnston. Hardcover (June 1993)Montaigne's Rhetoric : Composing Myself for Others (Montaigne : A Collection of Essays, Vol 3)
by Dikka Berven(Editor). Library Binding (January 1, 1995)The Myth of Natural Origins : How Science Points to Divine Creation
by Ashby L. Camp. Paperback (November 1994)The Natural Limits to Biological Change
by Lane P. Lester, Raymond G. Bohlin. Paperback (December 1989)Origins : Today's Science, Tomorrow's Myth
by James E. Strickling. PaperbackPhilosophy of Biology (Dimensions of Philosophy)
by Elliott Sober. Paperback (January 2000)The Remnant Seeds of Creation : A Strategy for Survival : (King James and Charles Darwin Revisited)
by P. Penn. Hardcover (December 1990)The Remnant Seeds of Creation : A Strategy for Survival, or the Preservation of Non-Favored Races in the Struggle for Life
by P. Penn. Paperback (October 1991)Rocks of Ages : Science and Religion in the Fullness of Life (Library of Contemporary Thought) [ABRIDGED]
by Stephen Jay Gould, Richard McGonagle (Reader). Audio Cassette (March 1999)Science and Creationism
Paperback (April 1992)Science and Creationism : A View from the National Academy of Sciences
Paperback (June 1999)Science and Earth History : The Evolution/Creation Controversy
by Arthur N. Strahler. Hardcover (March 1988)Scientific Knowledge : Discovery of Nature or Mental Construction?
by Harry Settanni. Paperback (June 1, 1992)Trial and Error
Paperback (November 1989)Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation and Other Evolutionary Writings
by Robert Chambers. Hardcover (June 1994)Adam and evolution
by Michael Pitman.Adam and evolution
by Michael Pitman.Adam and Evolution : A Scientific Critique of Neo-Darwinism
by Michael Pitman.Biology, Zoology, and Genetics : Evolution Model Vs. Creation Model
by Adell Thompson.Biology, zoology, and genetics : evolution model vs. creation model
by Adell Thompson.Case for Creation
by Wayne Friar.The Case for Creationism
by Colin Mitchell.Concepts in Creationism
by Edgar Andrews.Confronting Creationism : Defending Darwin
by D. R. Selkirk(Editor).Creation and the history of science
by Christopher B. Kaiser.Creation and the History of Science (History of Christian Theology, Vol 3)
by Christopher B. Kaiser.Creation and the World of Science
by Arthur R. Peacock.The Creation Controversy : Science or Scripture in the Schools
by Dorothy Nelkin.The Creation Controversy : Science or Scripture in the Schools
by Dorothy Nelkin.The Creation Evolution Controversy : A Bibliographic Guide from 1839 to the Present : Articles (Garland Reference Library of Social Science, Vol 328)
by Jerry Bergman, Kevin Wirth.Creation Science Controversy
by Barry Price.Creation-Evolution Debates (Creationism in Twentieth-Century America, Vol 2)
by Ronald L. Numbers(Editor).Creationism, Science and the Law : The Arkansas Case
by Marcel C. LA Follett(Editor).Creationism, Science and the Law : The Arkansas Case
by Marcel C. LA Follette(Editor).The Creationist Movement in Modern America (Social Movements Past and Present Series)
by Raymond Eve.Creationist Movement in Modern America (Social Movements Past and Present Series)
by Raymond A. Eve, Francis B. Harrold.Crystal River Flowing : Adventures in Co-Creation
by Marilynn Hughes.Cult Archaeology and Creationism : Understanding Pseudoscientific Beliefs About the Past
by Francis B. Harrold, Raymond A. Eve (Editor).Did the Devil Make Darwin Do It?
Did the Devil Make Darwin Do It? : Modern Perspectives on the Creation Evolution Controversy
by David Wilson(Editor).The earth : origins and early history
by Clyde L. Webster.Earth, fire, and sea : the untold drama of Creation
by R. Russell Bixler.Evolution : The Great Debate : The Discoveries, the Science, the Stories of the Great Debate
The Evolution Conspiracy
by Caryl Matrisciana, Roger Oakland.Evolution from Space : A Theory of Cosmic Creationism
by Fred, Sir Hoyle.Evolution in Turmoil
by H. Morris.Evolution Versus Creationism : The Public Education Controversy
by J. Peter Zetterberg.Evolution, prográes des connaissances et interdisciplinaritâe : deux communications
by E.-M. Laperrousaz.Evolution--guilty as charged
by Frederick C. Kubicek.Evolutionists Confront Creationists (Proceedings of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division, American Association for the Advancement of Scie)
by Frank Awbrey(Editor).Evolutionnisme et fixisme en France : histoire d'un combat 1800-1882
by Câedric Grimoult.Fallacies of Evolution : The Case for Creationism
by Arlie J. Hoover.Family Handbook of Christian Knowledge : The Creation
by Don Stewart, McDowell.Field studies in catastrophic geology
by Carl R. Froede.Galilei-Legenden : und andere Beitrèage zu Schèopfungsforschung, Evolutionskritik und Chronologie der Kulturgeschichte 1979-1994
by Thomas Schirrmacher.The Generations of Adam
by Eric Rhode.Genesis Answer : Scientist Testament for Divine Creation
by William Lee Stokes.The Genesis Debate : Persistent Questions About Creation and the Flood
by Robert Youngblood(Editor).Genesis, Creation, and Creationism
by Lloyd R. Bailey.God and Evolution : Creation, Evolution, and the Bible
by Robert James Berry.Great creation index : concordance of creation topics
by Allen Hall.A History of Modern Creationism
A History of Modern Creationism
by Henry M. Morrin.In God's Image After All : How Psychology Supports Biblical Creationism
by Paul D. Ackerman.Is God a Creationist? : The Religious Case Against Creation-Science
by Roland M. Frye(Editor).Is God a Creationist? : The Religious Case Against Creation-Science
by Roland Mushat Frye(Editor).It Couldn't Just Happen
by Lawrence Richards.It's a Young World After All
by Paul D. Ackerman.Let there be light
by Roger Oakland.New Creationism
by Harold Willard Clark.The origin of species revisited : the theories of evolution and of abrupt appearance
by Wendell R. Bird.Origin Science : A Proposal for the Creation-Evolution Controversy
by Norman L. Geisler, J. Kerby Anderson.Our wonderful world : a weekly scientific creationism reader
Philosophy of Biology (Dimensions of Philosophy)
by Elliott Sober.The Remarkable Record of Job : The Ancient Wisdom, Scientific Accuracy, and Life-Changing Message of an Amazing Book
by Henry M. Morris.Schepping en evolutie : het creationisme een alternatief?
Science and Creation : Geological, Theological, and Educational Perspectives (Aaas Series on Issues in Science and Technology)
by Robert W. Hanson(Editor).Science and Creationism : A View from the National Academy of Sciences
Science Held Hostage : What's Wrong With Creation Science and Evolutionism
by Howard J. Van Till, et al.Scientific Creationism : Public School Edition
by Henry M. Morris.Scientific Malpractice : The Creation/Evolution Debate
by Ivan L. Zabilka.Scopes II - The Great Debate
by Bill Keith.Sea-floor sediment and the age of the earth
by Larry Vardiman.Sind wir Sklaven der Natur? : die Inanspruchnahme der Biologie durch den Konservatismus
by Robert Steigerwald.Sister Earth : Ecology and the Spirit
by Helder Camara.Studies in Creation
by John W. Klotz.Telling lies for God : reason vs creationism
by I. R. Plimer.The Trademark of God : A Christian Course in Creation, Evolution, and Salvation
by George L. Murphy.Troubled Waters of Evolution
by Henry M. Morris.What Is Darwinism? : And Other Writings on Science and Religion
by C. Hodge.Worth Noting : Editorials, Letters, Essays, an Interview, and Bibliography
by Sanford Berman.
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