Books by and about Secharia Sitchin
Audio Cassette
Breaking the Godspell: The Politics of Our Evolution
Divine Encounters: A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries
Genesis Revisited: Is Modern Science Catching Up With Ancient Knowledge?
God Games: What Do You Do Forever?
Of Heaven and Earth: Essays Presented at the First Sitchin Studies Day
Of Heaven and Earth
The 12th Planet
The Cosmic Code
The Destruction of Atlantis: Compelling Evidence of the Sudden Fall of the Legendary Civilization
The Legacy of Zecharia Sitchin
The Lost Book of Enki: Memoirs and Prophecies of an Extraterrestrial god
The Lost Realms
The Stairway to Heaven (Earth Chronicles, No. 2)
The Wars of Gods and Men
UFOs & extraterrestrials : why they are here, the darkest, longest kept secret in human history : correlated data from works by Ruth Montgomery, Erich Von Daniken, Zecharia Sitchin & Edgar Cayce
When Time Began