E-mail Exchange With Igor Boyarchenko
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We received this from Igor Boyarchenko
Date: Mon, 18 Jul 2005 19:11:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>
Subject: Esoteric
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>Dear John,
Thank you for the letter. Yes, I have a few questions about the NTS but , first of all, let me write about some different things. The point is that both theories, evolution and creativism are in the area of my seekings. Fortunately, esoteric work of Helen Blavatsky. This channeling author explains and proves convincingly when, where and why dinosaurs and people lived side by side. I enjoyed reading your site The Acambaro dinosaurs (1999) and was so impressed by your sense of humor and irony there. Do hope this subject is still thrills you much.
I was thrilled, too, reading your page North Texas Skeptics Paranormal Challenge. It is awesome! The sense is I have a female aquainter that lives next door. She is a clairvoyant and is visited by people for asking advices and future. Even police use her help for seeking missing stuff. I myself have checked twice her predictions and can say ``She tells truth.`` Does this noble lady match your name of ``claimant`` with psychic or paranormal activity? Actually, a clairvoyance is the next point of my interests and I could share how it really works. It is an esoteric knowledge ,too.
What do you think, John, about all this?
Also , studying the site I did not catch, unfortunately, which position do you set on evolutionists or creationists. Well, the spirit of the site matches mine much! Is it paranoramal?
Hope to hear from you.
Igor Boyarchenko
John Blanton <skeptic75287@yahoo.com> wrote:I received a note from the NCSE that you are trying to contact me. I have no formal association with NCSE. I subscribe to their journal and contribute money to the organization.
I am a member of the North Texas Skeptics, where I serve on the board of directors and also am the Web master for the NTS Web site. Our Web site is at:
You can always learn about our current activities by reading the Web site. If you still have questions about the NTS, please feel free to send me e-mail, and I will try to help answer your questions.
Best regards,
John Blanton
http://www.ntskeptics.orgIgor Boyarchenko responded
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 19:16:32 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>
Subject: Clarvoyance
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>John,
How do you intend to test a lady that lives on the other side of the world here in Russia ? Fortunately, Zina makes predictions by phone. What about language difference?
Most of Russian clairvoyants and fortune tellers are ignorant grannies in villages . They ``see`` a lot but some of them are unable to explain or interpret what see. There is a reason of their mistakes. In ancient times was a couple of clairvoyant and a seer that interpreted , working together. Zina is not very old and see quite clear. My sister asked her help recently ,and it has come true in details.
I have searched carefully your page Fact Sheets. The authors describe a mechanism of clairvoyance but have not pointed brain` s organs that are responsible for it. There are two glands in the brain. I could give more details if need.
And some other point. I would like to hear your opinion as a webmaster on the site www.mysticalblaze.com.
Igor Boyarchenko
I sent an e-mail to Igor Boyarchenko
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 21:05:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Clarvoyance
To: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>Igor,
We could devise a test of Zina's supposed "powers." She has to make the proposal first. Russian is OK. My Russian is very poor, but I can struggle through it.
I will maintain there is no organ in the brain that facilitates clairvoyance, because there is no clairvoyance. That's what we pay the $12,000 prize for.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Igor Boyarchenko responded
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 02:00:13 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>
Subject: The moot point
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>Okay, John, Zina and I accept your challenge ,quite understand that seeing is believing, and you`d better to come here, of course . If you can speak Russian, so, dial Zina`s home phone number 7 34241 6 60 06 but take in account a difference in time zones. We sleep here when is noon in Texas.
Anyway, teach how to make the proposal and let know which way do you intend to test Zina .
12 000 dollars better to send by Western Union service. We have their branch here.
I want to tell only one thing. All fortune predictors I met, made mistakes in exact dates of fulfilling their predictions. Do not ask, please, Zina `` when exactly?`` She will be wrong.
Concerning glands. Ask your surgical friends in hospital or just look in Anatomy of Quain about Conarium in brain with Acervulus cerebri and Filus terminale (organs of clairvoyance). I could give more details.
And, please, remember Paul (from New Testament) that persecuted early Christians in the beginning but then become strong believer and church leader.
carry on ,
I sent an e-mail to Igor Boyarchenko
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 06:24:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: The moot point
To: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>Igor,
Very good. We are interested in a test.
First, here is what Zina needs to do. You can be her interpreter:
Log onto our Web site and read the Challenge protocol. Read the page at http://www.ntskeptics.org/challenge/challenge.htm.
Understand this page thoroughly. It is up to Zina to make the next move. She must state unambigously what she is willing to demonstrate.
After we get her statement we can do one of three things:
1. We can say "That's not paranormal. We believe she can do that. Thank you very much and have a good day."
2. We can say "That's paranormal all right, but we can't test it. Thank you very much and have a good day."
3. We can agree to further negotiations.
The next move is Zina's.
And, I am not in Dallas. I am two additional time zones from Russia. We will be doing this by e-mail.
Best regards,
John Blanton
I added
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2005 06:28:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
Subject: Re: The moot point
To: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>Igor,
Also I need to mention. All pertinent correspondence will be posted on our Web site. That includes all previous correspondence.
John Blanton
Igor Boyarchenko responded
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 20:48:24 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
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Subject: Just a note
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>John,
We here have studied carefully the page concerning protocol on NTS site and have a few questions. Before I send Zina`s own statement below is a list of some of her ``powers``:
She can see aura , chakras (energetic centers of invisible thin human body).
She can point personally or using a photo, dead or alive, where to seek, past, present and future of a man.
She can say the same by telephone but the chance of error is higher.
She can see and describe previous lives of a man (if the life is not the first, of course)
Zina tells that gets information from some dead alien granny that comes.
Zina accept all your conditions on the Challenge page of site and agree to demonstrate the abilities. Our questions were should Zina point in the statement her last name, physical address and other personal information?
Best regards,
I responded
Date: Sun, 24 Jul 2005 05:34:14 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
Subject: Re: Just a note
To: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>Igor,
I am glad you are taking the time to prepare for a test of Zina's powers. We look forward to working with you.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Igor Boyarchenko responded
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 01:13:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
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Subject: Zina states
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
THE STATEMENT. My name is Zina Chuklina. I am clairvoyant from small resort Russian town. I would like to demonstrate one of my psychic or paranormal ability. The point is I can tell information that is hidden from usual sight. I can see quite clearly events and details of people`s personal lives. I can predict future and to tell about present and past. It is not concerned global or historical events, only mundane human problems and troubles.
A percentage of accuracy of predictions is 100% (personally), about 85% by a photo, and by telephone (via voice) is near 75%. A percentage of telling about present and past is the same.
To test my ability is very simply. You just come here, or to send a photo, or to call. Also I answer any questions that need and impossible to get by usual ways. No equipment, no special places, no special statements of consciousness.
Unfortunately, I am unable to tell exact time of fulfilling of predicted events but can describe a season of happening of its.
You can record a process of demonstration of my ability on audio or video recorder if need.
Conditions of my living here are very poor, and I am not able to pay your arrival, accommodations or other expenses.
If you need more precise details about my abilities feel free to ask. If it is okay, so I am ready to enter into protocol and start negotiations.
Zina Chuklina
I responded
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 04:57:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
Subject: Re: Zina states
To: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>Igor,
Very good. I think we can test this sort of thing.
We will do it entirely over the Internet. We will not come to Russia, and there is no need for Zina to come here.
I will expect 75% accuracy. Part of the test will include some sort of time limit. Zina mentions "a season." I assume that means within three months. So if Zina makes a prediction, we will declare it a failure if the prediction does not come true within three months.
To eliminate any accidental successes, I am thinking we will run 100 or so trials. I need to get with the other underwriters and determine the exact number of trials to run. Zina must average 75% or better to succeed.
Also, before we start a formal test, before we begin to expend a lot of effort testing Zina, we want to satisfy ourselves she has something to demonstrate. We will ask Zina for a demonstration of what she can do. This demonstration will not be part of the formal test. The formal test will only begin after everybody formally agrees on the test protocol.
In the mean time, please tell me what Zina wants to see from us. She mentions a photograph. Should I send a photo by e-mail? Let me know what to do next, and we will get started with the demonstration.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Igor Boyarchenko responded
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 03:40:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
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Subject: Zina versus John
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>Dear John,
I suspect you understood wrong about ``season.`` I want to make clear here what she meant. For instance, you show her a photo and Zina tells,``It will happen by spring.`` Here she means only spring weather (not calendar month with a name March, April or May) because she ``sees`` only weather that surrounds the predicted event.
100 trials will be okay , I think, and work perfect but explain how you intend to do it.
About preparation test. Okay, send here by e-mail any photo you want. Better to send, of course ,your own one because the single person you aware about everything is you yourself. Well, strike the iron is hot! Don`t hesitate. We already have lost a week.
Frankly speaking, after reading your response on her statement, Zina told you are a dilettante in the subject. She does not believe that you pay a prize even if she proves her `` proposed powers.`` You can value or consider this as the first prediction. Zina is skeptic, too.
Best regards,
I responded
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2005 04:55:57 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com> View Contact Details
Subject: Re: Zina versus John
To: "Igor Boyarchenko" <iboyarchenko@yahoo.com>Igor,
Again, thanks.
If it takes the better part of a year, we will have to do with that.
We will get to the exact number of trials later, after we decide what to test. We will get to a test only after Zina demonstrates she has something to show. If it is going to take several years to evaluate Zina, then I am not too concerned with losing a week at the begining.
I will not be sending a photo of myself. I will send a photo of a person unknown to you or Zina. I will do that later today. I need time to obtain the photo.
Zina does not think we will pay the money. Maybe her first prediction is true. We have had this offer before the public for over ten years, and we have never paid the money. That is because nobody has even come close to demonstrating paranormal abilities. In fact, nobody has ever demonstrated anything to test, so we have never gotten into a formal test. Please read the history of our previous encounters with claimants on our Web site.
However, if Zina can demonstrate something to test, and if she can pass the controlled test, then we will pay the money. That is stated in the protocol.
We look forward to seeing what Zina can do.
Best regards,
John Blanton
I have heard nothing recently from Igor Boyarchenko.