E-mail Exchange With Tomas Camacho
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Tomas Camacho was interested in our prize.
From: "Tomas Camacho"
To: skeptic75287@yahoo.com
Subject: gifted daughter
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 13:18:50 -0700Greetings, my name is Tomas Camacho
I would like to enter my daughter in your paranormal contest. My daughter has many gifts. She can see and talk to the dead. She can see the color of your ora. She can see a wrecked car and she will know if someone passed away in that wrecked car. She can see and communicate with peoples angels. She can communicate with a person in Acoma . She knows if a deceased person made it to the other side, if that person is good or bad. She can see in the dark as clear as day. The one that would stand out is that she can see in the dark. Can you enter my daughter in your contest, I don’t know, put her in a dark room. She can walk in completely blind folded in that dark room, take off what’s wrapped around her eyes and in the dark tell you what’s in there. From a pencil on the floor to a hanging picture on the wall.
Please let me know what steps are needed to proceed. My daughter just turned 13 years old. Thank you!
Tomas Camacho
We responded
Sun, 4 Nov 2007 13:42:38 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: gifted daughter
To: "Tomas Camacho"Tomas,
Thanks very much for contacting us. What you claim for your daughter falls within the scope of the NTS Paranormal Challenge, and we will award the prize upon completion of a successful test.
We will only consider undertaking a formal test after we see a demonstration. The reason we do this is we have had a number of claimants who wanted to be tested. So far, all of the claimants who have applied turned out to have nothing to show, and this was revealed during the preliminary demonstration. Conducting this informal demonstration has saved everybody a lot of wasted time and expense.
You and your daughter will need to come to Dallas to do the demonstration. For the demonstration and for any formal test, you will have to pay all your own expenses. I am currently not in Dallas, but I will return to Dallas next month. You may, if you want, come to Salt Lake City to give a demonstration. Rosemary Hunter did this last summer. See the story at the following link:
Since your daughter is under age, you will need to participate at all times. We will be dealing with you as though you are the challenger. Your daughter is not old enough to sign a contract.
Make sure you have read and understand the rules and procedures related to the Challenge. Details are available at the following URL:
Also note: All correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be published on our Web site and may be published in out newsletter. We will use your name plus the name of your home town. Your daughter's name will not be used.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterTomas Camacho responded
From: "Tomas Camacho"
To: "'John Blanton'" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 19:37:27 -0700Thank you john for your response. Unfortunately I do not have the funds to travel. From Glendale Az to Dallas Texas, its about a 16 hour drive I might be able to do that. Please call me when you get in Dallas next month. Do you by chance have anyone in L.A so I can take my daughter there? My daughter has a gift of gifts. If this gets published on your website or on your news letter I hope that all your viewers get ready for what's going to happen soon! And that is to make all skeptics into believers.
Best regards,
Tomas Camacho
We replied
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 03:21:20 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
To: "Tomas Camacho"Tomas,
Before you make a trip to Dallas or anywhere else, I urge you to perform critical tests. We can be of help with this.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterTomas Camacho replied
From: "Tomas Camacho"
To: "'John Blanton'" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 17:45:28 -0700John,
Everything I speak about my daughter is true and we have done numerous tests on different things. My daughter has been on a radio station here in phoenix and has done numerous tests for them. And Also with us, our family members and friends. If you have a pre test before the real test lets do it. I hope you have someone near us so we can take that pre test. I know a lot of people come to you saying they have that special ability and they don't. Well there has to be a special someone that will eventually prove something out of the ordinary. And that someone is my daughter. I know this is hard to believe but give me that opportunity and see what happens.
Thank you!
Tomas CamachoWe responded
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 03:57:34 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
To: "Tomas Camacho"Tomas,
Practically you have to come to Dallas. I will be in Tucson in December, but I will not have time to observe any demonstration.
There is no point in giving us a demonstration if you are not going to be available for a formal test.
All correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be posted on our Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterTomas Camacho responded
From: "Tomas Camacho"
To: "'John Blanton'" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 18:56:44 -0700John,
Please let me know what days you will be available for a formal test in Dallas? And I will let you know if we could make it to Dallas in one of those days.
Thank You!
Tomas Camacho
Following additional correspondence I gave Tomas Camacho some serious advice.
Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 19:13:05 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
To: "Tomas Camacho"Tomas,
Actually, we need to see a demonstration before we even think of a formal test. This may seem harsh, but we get a number of claimants every year, and so far all their claims have turned out to be baseless. We aren't going to the trouble of setting up a formal test until we see you have something to show us.
So, when you come in January, you will likely go back empty-handed as the others before you have. Don't come to Dallas unless you have other business here to justify the trip.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterTomas Camacho took exception to our approach.
From: "Tomas Camacho"
To: "'John Blanton'" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 08:12:36 -0700John,
What do you mean I will likely go back empty handed like the others before me? First of all if we go to Dallas we will only be taking the trip to prove the super natural really exists! Second of all if we go to Dallas and if we could justify the trip or not, it would be our problem. Just because you have heard and seen a lot of hog wash it doesn't mean your offer will stay untouched. By the way you express yourself you honestly think you skeptics know it all. I think you don't want us to take that challenge?
Best regards,
Tomas Camacho
I reminded Tomas Camacho we are serious.
Date: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 10:24:32 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
To: "Tomas Camacho"Tomas,
I certainly want you to take the challenge. However, it would be very irresponsible for me to encourage you to come and not to give you our very best advice. There is no way I want to appear to lead you on and to contribute to any hardship on your part.
If we skeptics think we know it all, it's because we have seen a lot. What we have seen is a continuous string of failures. Please review the case studies on our Web site. Here are some examples:
1. Russell Shipp made multiple trips from New Braunfels to Dallas, round trip over 500 miles. He said he could move things with his mind. He moved nothing.
2. Rosemary Hunter said she could read my mind. She came all the way from Cleveland to Salt Lake City. She failed completely.
3. David Rechey said he could use a map to find hidden objects. He failed 12 times in 12 tries.
Please come on to Dallas. I look forward to seeing you in January.
All correspondence related to the NTS Challenge will be posted on our Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterTomas Camacho decided to take his business elsewhere.
From: "Tomas Camacho"
To: "'John Blanton'" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: RE: gifted daughter
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2007 16:08:10 -0700John,
I found http://www.iigwest.com/challenge.html they are located in Hollywood. I am sending an e-mail to see if my daughter can take a preliminary test there. It's about a six hour drive from us. I think this is the best way to go for now. If they are willing to test my daughter I will let you know. And also if you know anyone there please give them a call so they can give us a preliminary test. I will keep in touch.
Best regards,
Tomas Camacho
We have had no further correspondence from Tomas Camacho