E-mail Exchange With Gary Greenwood
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Gary Greenwood told us in an e-mail about his paranormal abilities.
Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:49:57 -0600
To: skeptic75287@yahoo.com
Subject: paranormal abilitysI have the ability to see and feel with psychic or paranormal power inside a cardboard box and and detect a mirror or aluminum box slightly smaller than the cardboard box.I have demonstrated this ability repeatedly, ( using four boxs and having someone put aluminum or mirror box in different box each time) with a high accuracy percentage.The only musts I follow are,I must be allowed to get within 6 inches of the box,I do not touch the box,and I can be standing or sitting.
Testing this ability would be quite simple,and I would like the test to be filmed with infrared ,as I believe my psychic or paranormal power would be filmable in that spectrum.I am not positive about this because I don't own infrared devices. A series of 20 to 25 actual tests ,(where I leave the room , one or more of your members place the aluminum/mirror box in one of the boxes,I reenter the room , detect which box holds the aluminum/mirror box should be enough to convince anyone of my ability.last but not least I don't claim to be perfect and I have just discovered this ability so please come up with a percentage that you all think is fair , for the correct or incorrect choice ratio of the test,I will practice,we can set a date,time,and location for the test and I will demonstrate it for you.
I would also ask that upon my winning the paranormal challenge that I get a copy of All agreements, protocols, correspondence, data, audio or video recordings, photographs or results made or obtained by either party during the challenge or negotiations leading up to the challenge may be used by either party in any way he or she may choose, including publication, and challengers and claimant both waive all exclusive rights to such information. For my own personal records.I am willing to pay for copys of film ,documentation,etc... thank you for your time
Gary Greenwood
We responded.
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2007 09:06:09 -0700 (PDT)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: paranormal abilitys
Your proposal seems reasonable. Only we can't film the test in infrared, because we don't have the required equipment. If you want infrared video you will have to provide the equipment at your expense.
When can you come to Dallas to give us a demonstration? We require a demonstration (no prize awarded) in advance of a formal test for the prize. No prize will be given except following a successful formal test.
Also, make sure you have read and completely understand the terms of the NTS Paranormal Challenge. See a description of the terms at the following URL:
All correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be posted on the NTS Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterGary Greenwood responded.
Date: Sun, 4 Nov 2007 21:00:06 -0700
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: paranormal abilitysHI John ,I was looking at your organizations meetings schedule and the soonest I can make it is Dec 8th 2007
I hope this is agreeable with your peers.if it is, I will be bringing 5 mirrors( 12 inches x 12 inches,the decorator variety you buy at walmart) a roll of duct tape ( to assemble the mirror box with ) , and 5 empty cardboard boxes approximately 13 inches x 13 inches x 13 inches. That is all I will need to conduct a demonstration for you! Thank you for your time,
Gary Greenwood
We responded.
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 03:12:25 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: paranormal abilitys
I will be out of town until about 17 December. Also, I will be out of town again after 20 December, but I will be back in Dallas in January.
You are invited to come to the meeting on 8 December. It is possible that Mike Selby, one of the Challenge underwriters, will be at the meeting. Mike does not attend all of the meetings, so you need to verify his presence before you make the trip.
All correspondence related to the NTS Paranorml Challenge will be posted on our Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterGary Greenwood responded.
Date: Mon, 5 Nov 2007 21:17:03 -0700
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: paranormal abilitysHI John ,I was looking at your organizations meetings schedule and Jan 12th -08 would be okay with me I hope this is agreeable with you. thank you for your time,
Gary Greenwood
We responded.
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 04:08:53 -0800 (PST)
From: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: paranormal abilitys
I will be at the meeting in January.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Gary Greenwood responded.
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:21:36 -0700
To: "John Blanton" <skeptic75287@yahoo.com>
Subject: procedural changesI have been testing and improving my methods for proving my paranormal abilitys.
regarding my abilitys ,mirrors reflect my lifeforce/plasma/entity,etc.. that I am able to detect with.When I leave my physical body to do this the only materials I have found that I can absolutely be sure of touching are mirrors and aluminum. I am more effective with mirrors than aluminum due to the mirrors ability to stop my lifeforce/plasma/entity... from moving in that specific direction. I will tell you that I can "step out " of my physical body and move about three feet. for about 0.5 seconds and then I return to my physical body automatically so the only way so far,that I know of to prove this ability is to( I have revised my procedures slightly) sit in a chair with a 14 x 14 x 14 inch cardboard box one foot in front of my feet on the floor and testing to see if the mirror box ( 5 12x 12 x12 inch mirrors duct taped together making a mirror box with the bottom being open) is or is not inside without touching the boxes or coming within 12 inches of them.I sit prone in each one of the chairs,with very little movement until I have tested the box,then I go to the next chair and repeat this until all 5 have been tested ,then I tell the assistant wich box holds the mirror box.I have been testing with 5 chairs and boxes.I am accurate beyond chance and use no trickery , devices, accomplice's, or any other dishonest means of detecting the mirror box.I am able to do this with normal clothing ,agreeable to metal detectors being used to check for devices, and reasonable device searches before testing and any other reasonable precautions to assure your organization that the testing is on " the up and up !" thank you for your time,
Gary Greenwood
We responded.
Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2007 11:25:51 -0800 (PST) From: "John Blanton"Subject: Re: procedural changes To: "GARY GREENWOOD" Gary,
I look forward to seeing your demonstration. I will be leaving Utah on 14 December and driving back to Dallas. Our December meeting is 8 December, so I will not be able to meet with you then. I am going to Tucson the following week.
On 12 January we will be having our traditional January meeting with an open format. In January we have our board elections and a generally fun party. I promise there will be refreshments, but you are free to bring your own.
If you would like to give us an informal demonstration in January, can you please do the following: Bring your mirror box. We will provide the cardboard boxes.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web MasterWe have had no further correspondence from Gary Greenwood