Justin Johnson

E-mail Exchange with Justin Johnson

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Justin Johnson sent us an e-mail.

From: Justin Johnson
To: Skeptic75287@yahoo.com
Sent: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 6:04 PM
Subject: The challenge!

My name is Justin Johnson and I will like to get info on how to apply to the challenge. So please email me back as soon as possible. Thank you!

I replied.

Re: The challenge!
FROM: John Blanton
TO: Justin Johnson

Wednesday, November 9, 2011 9:06 AM


Thanks for contacting us. I am one of the underwriters for the North Texas Skeptics Paranormal Challenge. The names of the underwriters are on the Challenge page of the NTS Web site. We are the only ones putting up money for the prize, and we are the only individuals authorized to participate in examining or testing claimants. Here is a link to the Challenge page:


Please read the requirements posted on this page. You must state what it is you claim to be able to do, why you consider it to be "paranormal" and how you propose to demonstrate you possess paranormal abilities.

If we accept your request to be tested you will be required to demonstrate your claim under controlled conditions. Prior to initiation of any such test we will require that you provide us a demonstration. We require this in order to avoid additional expense and waste of time in case you are unable to perform as you claim. You will not be compensated in any way for your participation in the Challenge. You will be required to pay all of your personal expenses. Your only compensation will be the prize money in the event of a successful test under controlled conditions. You will not be paid for the preliminary demonstration, whether it is successful or not.

We have a number of options upon learning more about your claimed abilities. We can assert that your claim does not involve the paranormal, and we are not interested in testing it. For example if you say you can stuff 25 golf balls in you mouth we will acknowledge this fact and decline to participate in a test. If your claim is for something we are unable to test we will inform you of this and wish you well in your future endeavors. For example, if you say you can revive a dead person, we will decline to be involved, because this will require somebody to die first, and we do not want to get involved in somebody dying. Anyhow, you get the idea.

Also note that as stated on the Challenge page, all correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be posted on our Web sit and may be published in our newsletter.

Please respond as soon as you can so we can continue to work with you.

Best regards,

John Blanton

A few days went by, and I did not hear from Justin Johnson. I sent another note.

On 11/17/11, John Blanton wrote: Justin,

I am still waiting for a response from you. Can you provide additional details.

Best regards,

John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master

I soon received a response from Justin Johnson. I have obscured his phone numbers.

From: Justin Johnson
To: John Blanton
Sent: Thursday, November 17, 2011 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: The challenge!

I'm sorry that I didn't reply sooner but i've been sort of busy. I will like to show and prove to you and your associates that I have esp-telepathic abilities that I have started to develop and is getting stronger I guess the older I get! To tell you the truth all you have to do is meet with me and you will see or hear. So I will like to get started as soon as possible with the process. My home number is (229)xxx-xxxx and my cell is (229)xxx-xxxx. Thank you for caring about my claim. Hope to talk to you soon! (Justin Johnson)

I responded.

From: John Blanton
To: Justin Johnson
Sent: Friday, November 18, 2011 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: The challenge!


Thanks very much for responding.

The next step is for you to come up with a method for demonstrating your ESP-telepathic abilities. What can you do? Can you read my mind? Can you predict the next card to be drawn from a deck of cards? Can you find hidden objects?

Please be specific. We will need details before we will be able to arrange a demonstration with you.

Also, when will you be able to come to Dallas for a demonstration? If you cannot come to Dallas, can you come to Austin or San Antonio?

Finally, I am obligated to encourage you to be absolutely sure you will be able to give a successful demonstration before you come here. I suggest you conduct the proposed demonstration with people in your area and verify you can be successful. In the past we have had people who came hundreds of miles for a demonstration and were not able to show any positive results. We have been conducting these trial demonstrations for over 15 years, and nobody has ever produced a successful demonstration.

Best regards,

John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master

We are waiting to hear more from Justin Johnson.

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