From: Wieslaw Miernik
Subject: 12000$
Date: Saturday, June 25, 2011, 1:19 AMWieslaw Miernik
PolandIve discovered a pendant with Buddha, which wearing heals. I live in Poland. Someone has to verify its curing abilities to convince people to its power. You are saying that you examine extrasensory, paranormal phenomena, thus I have an offer to you. To verify whether it works it is necessary to choose people who do not dream dreams or do very rarely. They should wear it for at least one year to make sure that the pendant gives them the ability to dream. The statement from the participants of the test, that because of wearing of the pendant with Buddha they gained the ability to dream will be the proof confirming its extrasensory, paranormal power.Miernik Wieslaw
To Wieslaw Miernik:The method you describe would not constitute proof the pendant provides the ability to dream. Here is why:
We will only have the word of the subject that they were unable to dream prior to wearing the pendant and that they gained the ability to dream after wearing the pendant. The unsubstantiated statements of people do not constitute good scientific evidence.
If you have another idea for investigating the powers of this pendant, we will be interested in hearing about it. We will be very eager to work with you on this project.
Thanks for contacting The North Texas Skeptics, and please keep in touch with us. All correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be published in our newsletter and posted on our Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master
FROM: Wieslaw MiernikTO: John Blanton
Sunday, June 26, 2011 2:22 AMWieslaw Miernik
PolandWhat is important to translate is that the paranormal (extrasensory) force is placing polish words in songs, most often English-language songs. If you listen to recordings on website here you can confirm the authenticity of this statement, which was placed there by paranormal force. Evrybody can make a pendant - based on the picture - and wear it. Its shape has a therapeutic effects. It prevent diseases and cure chronic ones. If you wear it 6 months, you start to dream more often (you have more frequent dreams). The healing power will be greater than diseases. You will notice it after a year of wearing it, and only if the patient wearing the pendant is not bedridden. The examination will not be problematic, if the persons chosen for the examination have not been dreaming the dreams . It is likely that every person will confirm that pendant has contributed to the fact that they were dreaming Dreas. Miernik
Re: ntskeptics
FROM: John Blanton
TO: Wieslaw MiernikSunday, June 26, 2011 7:19 AM
to Wieslaw Miernik:Very good. If you are interested in obtaining the $12,000 prize you will need to come up with a way to conclusively demonstrate the pendant works as you say. Let me know if you have a method to do this.
The first problem I see would be to find somebody who does not dream. Of course, there are many who think they do not dream but really do. How can you determine who does not dream?
If you have a pendant that works you can send it to us for examination. Here is our address:
The North Texas Skeptics
P.O. Box 111794
Carrollton, TX 75011-1794All correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be published in our newsletter and posted on our Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master
4 pendant to research
FROM: Wieslaw MiernikTO: John Blanton
Friday, July 1, 2011 8:44 AMWieslaw Miernik
PolandSomebody, who has pendant with Buddha several years, will have a dream if he is healthy. This person discover that illnesses destroy the dreams. Please inform me, if You are going to research this pendant. I think that many people in the world don’t have a dream, so you can find them without problem. You should trust what is it change in their life. I send pendant to research.
Do You mind publish this information in your bulletin?
Yours faithfully
Wieslaw Miernik
FROM: Wieslaw MiernikTO: John Blanton
Friday, July 22, 2011 2:48 AMWieslaw Miernik
PolandDo pendants are already in Carrollton? Wearing them to investigate their medicinal properties is important. This study may be important for the people. Please send me information on the decisions taken on the pendant.Miernik.
FROM: Wieslaw MiernikTO: John Blanton
Saturday, July 23, 2011 11:40 PMWieslaw Miernik
PolandUploaded pendants were not transferred. Post new mailing address. Pendants send again. I will send a contract in duplicate to be signed. After signing, please send a copy to my address.Wieslaw Miernik.
my application
FROM: Wieslaw MiernikTO: John Blanton
Tuesday, August 2, 2011 11:00 AMWieslaw Miernik
PolandI am writing in connection with the two copies of the application that I have sent to you.
It is stated in this application that to prove my supernatural abilities, I need to come to the USA. Regarding the research of the healing pendant that I have discovered, my visit to the USA is completely needless and unnecessary. If sign one of the copies of the application and send it back to me, this will prove that my application has been taken into account and the group of skeptics will consider my case. If you do not like the way my application has been filled in, nonetheless, you would like to research the pendant, please publish this fact on your website so that I know that you treat the research seriously. Everyone who, at night, dreams very little and is neither seriously ill, nor bedridden can take part in the pendant research. The pendants main healing task is to make the pendant bearer dream more intense dreams which are easier to notice and remember. The research would be very easy because it would involve just wearing the pendant so I suggest engaging as many volunteers as possible. For that, I can send even 50 pendants. Only healthy people can take part in the research. The pendant is able to make the volunteers dreams more beautiful and more frequent at the same time. If you want to use the pendants in different tests, I can send as many as you would need. The choice of the testing method is to be made by you. The decision whether to regard them as really magical is also up to you. The result of the test will be just peoples testimony and even if unanimous, they are just words which might not be considered as a valid proof. But your research and the reward that you offer may be very useful in discovering the hidden healing powers of the pendant, which, after many years of wearing it, could reveal in a more visible way e.g. rejuvenation. Treating people with the pendant might replace doctors and give people more time. Consider what is better, please and make the right decision. Wieslaw Miernik
FROM: Wieslaw MiernikTO:
Friday, November 18, 2011 1:01 AMDear Jonh. Here are the rules for using the pendant.While healing, the pendant is generating dreams. Thanks to the pendant, healthy people will remain their health in ever better condition and thanks to wearing the pendant, they will more and more dreams. It also heals minor chronic diseases. People who suffer from the lack of dreams should wear the pendant for at least a year and they will start dreaming beautiful and colourful dreams. People start dreaming because the pendant can cure all illnesses in the whole organism. Ill people do not dream as intensely as healthy people and when that pendant starts healing those people, they start to dream. The pendant protects healthy people from falling ill. It can be expected to replace people and medicine in the healing process. The pendant will not cure bedridden people though, but there is no reason why they should not wear the pendant.Yours.Miernik Wieslaw.
Re: rules
FROM: John Blanton
TO: Wieslaw Miernik
Friday, November 18, 2011 7:40 AMWieslaw,
Again, thank you very much for participating in the NTS Paranormal Challenge.
I have discussed this matter with the other underwriters, and I cannot come up with any practical method for testing. In your case we will have to conclude we are unable to test your claim, so we will not seek to engage in a formal test with you.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master