E-mail Exchange with Matthew Smith
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Matthew Smith contacted us with a curious proposition.
Paranormal Challenge.
FROM: Matthew SmithTO: skeptic75287@yahoo.com
Thursday, October 29, 2009 9:01 PMDear Sir/Madam,
I write this email on the behalf of a friend in regards to your paranormal challenge, as he offers to prove the paranormal on a reliable and repeatable basis. What he is able to prove, is that all humans are Spirit Beings, or Living Ghosts, that are capable of spiritually interacting within each other and making a real and measurable difference.
To prove this, my friend will Spiritually Interact within another Spirit Being. His Spiritual Interaction will be seen in the measurable difference of the persons performance and their task at hand. For example, if he was to Spiritually Interact within a fighter of a boxing match, this fighter would then land more punches than he/she was normally able too. As this boost in performance is the result of my friends Spiritual Interaction within the fighters, he can thus predict (with a hit rate of 85%), which rounds the boxer would land more punches (with Spiritual Interaction) and in which he/she would land less (without Spiritual Interaction). His Spiritual Interaction can be done back and forth between the boxers each round, or to a pre-designed pattern, to clearly show the fighters are being influenced by his Spiritual Interaction, by the number of punches landed when he was within them, compared to when he wasn't.
I will describe the test we have in mind for your challenege, we can do it just about in any sport, so we are open to change if it would better suit your needs. First we would find an event where multiple consecutive sporting matches were being broadcasted over live television. But, we could also do it in person and then would only need a few people to demonstrate the paranormal at work. If we where to choose multiple consecutive rounds of boxing over live TV, my friend would then write down his predictions of which boxers would land the most punches each round, and which boxers would land the least. He would then seal and post his predictions (of which would be 85% correct) in an envelope before the boxing match takes place. The post office would stamp and date the envelope with an official emblem, to ensure it was mailed before the beginning of the match, and also that it was not forged or tampered with by anyone. As mentioned above this can be done back and forth between the fighters each round and also on a reliable and repeatable basis for as many matches as desired, so there is no doubt that his Spiritual Interaction is taking place, and so that it can be witnessed by those of interest for the first time in known history.
If you are serious and looking for real proof of the paranormal, he is your man with real supernatural abilites and a number of ways to prove it in all sports where you can see the players. We are willing to go out on a limb for this, as most people that can prove the paranormal won't, and it's even possible for you to witness this kind of paranormal at work from thousands of miles away. As long as you are able to watch the event, it will go down as predicted by us. I look forward to your reply so that we can organise a suitable test to show these supernatural abilities of my good friend.
Sincerely, Matthew, for his friend a Spirit Force!
- All Rights Reserved of the test and experiment in proving the paranormal.
I responded to Matthew Smith.
Re: Paranormal Challenge.
FROM: John Blanton
TO: Matthew SmithThursday, October 29, 2009 11:52 PM
Thank you for contacting us. I am one of the underwriters of the prize, and I will be able to work you to prepare a demonstration.
Please review carefully the instructions for the Challenge protocol. Instructions are on this page:
http://ntskeptics.org/challenge/challenge.htmPlease note that all correspondence related to the Challenge will be published in our newsletter and on our Web site.
Also, note that prior to engaging with you in a formal test we will require a demonstration--a presentation by you. We do this to assure everybody that you have something to demonstrate before both of us waste our time on an unsuccessful test.
I am currently in Thousand Oaks, California. We also do testing and demonstrations in Dallas, Texas.
Please respond to this note and let me know how you would like to proceed.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master
http://www.ntskeptics.orgMatthew Smith Responded.
Re: Paranormal Challenge.
FROM: Matthew SmithTO: John Blanton
Saturday, October 31, 2009 6:47 PMThanks for the speedy reply!
Are you able to watch this fight? - http://www.hbo.com/boxing/events/2009/1107_dawson_johnson/index.html
Let me know, and if you are able to watch it I will get back to you with more details so we can provide a demonstration.
I do not have access to HBO, and I could not watch the fight.
John BlantonNo, I can't watch the fight.
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master
http://www.ntskeptics.orgMatthew Smith responded.
Re: Paranormal Challenge.
FROM: Matthew SmithTO: John Blanton
Tuesday, November 3, 2009 12:40 AMOk, no problem, I am discussing with my friend the other options we can take to give you a demo. I will inform you of our decision within the next few days.
Matthew Smith got back to me with another proposition.
Paranormal Challenge Demo.
FROM: Matthew SmithTO: John Blanton
Thursday, November 5, 2009 1:06 AMHey John,
Ok I have been talking with my friend and we have come to a conclusion.
You can see here; http://www.hbo.com/boxing/events/200...son/index.html
This fight will be taking place LIVE Saturday, November 7 (9.30 p.m. ET/ 6.30 p.m. PT).
Thus, we will email you our predictions in 24 hours, on the 5th or 6th of November (not sure of USA time), but it will be before the match takes place. Then we will record the fight on tape, make it into a DVD, and post it to you (snail mail). So we will need you to provide an address for us to send it too.
Now I will list the rules and go through them to ensure I have covered everything needed.
Claimant must describe the paranormal or psychic ability or power clearly and precisely. Claims must be specific enough to be scientifically testable. Claims must be clearly psychic or paranormal.
What we will demonstrate is that human beings are Spirit beings which can spiritually interact within each other and make a real and measruable difference, as my friend will show. To prove this, my friend will Spiritually Interact within the fighters of this boxing match, his Spiritual Interaction will be seen in the measurble difference, in the number of punches landed by each boxer. As when he is Spiritually within a boxer, and his Spiritual energy forces are combined with their own, they (the boxer) will land more punches than the previous round(s) when he was not Spiritually Interacting within them.
Claimant must specifically describe any proposed test procedures which will be used to demonstrate the paranormal or psychic power. Claimant and challengers must agree to the test procedures to be used before any tests are performed.
On the 5/6th of November we will send you our predictions of, which boxers and which rounds my friend will be Spiritually Interact within, and thus which rounds and which boxers will land the increased amount of punches. So, when we predict that my friend is Spiritually Interacting within a boxer, the boxer will land more punches where we predicted he would, and thus less punches where we predicted that my friend wasn't Spiritually Interacting within them (which in this case, alternating between boxers each round, will be the very round before). This will be done with a prediction hit rate, ranging anywhere from 60 %to 85%, which is far beyond the expected rate of 50% (in a one on one match) attributed by chance. The Spiritual Interaction will be done back and forth between the boxers, an example of a selected pattern would be; in round one he will be within the boxer from the left corner, round two the boxer from the right corner, round three left, round four right, etc. so we can clearly show it is my friends Spiritual Interaction taking place and making a real and measurable difference where we predicted that he would. As mentioned before, we will email the exact predicted and selected pattern on the 5/6th, of which rounds and which boxers my friend will be Spiritually Interacting in (and thus which rounds the boxers will land an increased amount of punches).
Claimant must describe exactly what test results will constitute success or failure. If success and failure will be described in terms of statistical results, such results must be significantly beyond chance expectation.
If the boxer lands an increased amount of punches 60 to 85% of the time where we predicted whichever boxer would, this will be a success, even at the very least amount of 60% (10% over chance), this would be astronomical compared to anyone else. We will post you a recording of the fight, so you can count the number of punches landed by each boxer yourself. If a 50% hit rate, in a one on one match, is attributed by chance, we will be anywhere from 10% to 35% above chance.
If our predictions are wrong, or not above chance, it will be obvious and that will constitute a failure. But anyone that can be right in their predictions beyond mere chance is doing something that can't be explained, and making paranormal activity take place and thus considered successful in proving the paranormal.
Claimant and challengers will each be responsible for their respective expenses, such as equipment, travel, accommodations, consultant fees, or other expenses. As will you and not us in anyway.
In the event the claimant is successful under the terms and conditions of the protocol, challengers will immediately deliver the challenge prize to claimant or claimant's designee, in full settlement of all claims. We agree!
Claimant and challengers waive all claims, damages, and causes of action against each other arising out of the challenge, for any injuries or damages of every kind, whether to person, property, or reputation, as do we also, as the Claimant and Challenger signer.
All agreements, protocols, correspondence, data, audio or video recordings, photographs or results made or obtained by either party during the challenge or negotiations leading up to the challenge may be used by either party in any way he or she may choose, including publication, and challengers and claimant both waive all exclusive rights to such information.
This offer is made by the challengers personally and not on behalf of The North Texas Skeptics or any other agency or organization, although others may be involved in the examination of claims.
Ok, so does our demonstration sound suitable? Let me know you are happy and we will go ahead as planned. Get back to me and I will email you our predictions within 24 hours.
Sincerely, Matthew.
This was still too much for me to take on. I had another proposal.
Re: Paranormal Challenge Demo.
FROM: John Blanton
TO: Matthew SmithThursday, November 5, 2009 1:40 PM
Can we start with something more simple?
Please try to come up with a demonstration that can show me first-hand your friend's spiritual interaction at a distance. This prize fight you are describing seems to be a one-time event. There is no way to repeat the experiment without having the fighters stage the event all over again. Repetition is going to be required to demonstrate spiritual interaction at a distance.
Is is possible to use me as a subject? Then I would be able to observe the effects immediately.
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master
http://www.ntskeptics.orgMatthew Smith and I had an additional exchange of proposals.
From: Matthew Smith
Subject: Re: Paranormal Challenge Demo.To: "John Blanton"
Date: Friday, November 6, 2009, 3:00 AMMy friend needs to be able to SEE the people he is spiritually interacting with, with his own eyes. This is why televised events were favourable as no travelling would of been involved.
Are there any sporting events that are being broadcasted LIVE, that you would be able to watch?
If we were to do a test in person, we could use anybody to replicate a sporting 'match' over and over, but I am unsure what the costs of travelling to California would be and if my friend could manage it at this time.
Let me know if you are able to watch any LIVE events, otherwise I will continue discussing options with my friend.
My response
Re: Paranormal Challenge Demo.
FROM: John Blanton
TO: Matthew SmithFriday, November 6, 2009 1:46 PM
I understand. How about this for a starter. Have your friend watch the fight and interact spiritually with one of the contestants. Then let me know the results.
Reminder: All correspondence related to the NTS Paranormal Challenge will be published in our newsletter and on our Web site.
Best regards,
John Blanton
Skeptical Web Master
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