North Texas Skeptics

Einstein Versus Darwin: Intelligent Design Or Evolution?

By Tom Barrett (05/30/05)

Would you be surprised to know that millions of scientists around the world do not blindly accept Darwin's THEORY of evolution? Would it shock you to know that many of these professors and researchers are not religious, but they embrace the theory of Intelligent Design, which holds that our intricate universe could not have come about by chance? Would it blow you away to find that Albert Einstein was one of them?

It is well documented that these famous scientists strongly disagreed on this important question. It is also well known that they, along with all credible scientists throughout history, strongly believed that all theories should be heard, all should be tested, and none should be ridiculed. This is the only way that science itself can be credible.

Yet many politically active scientists today are desperately maneuvering to censor any mention of the theory of Intelligent Design in our schools, textbooks and media. Their accomplices in this blatant censorship are liberal politicians, atheists, most of the media and the national teacher's union (the Nation Education Association or NEA).

Darwin's theory is just that - a theory. It has never been proven, and cannot be proven. But the censors mentioned above want Darwin's THEORY taught as FACT, and they want no other theories even mentioned.

Einstein is just one of millions of prominent scientists over the years that have supported the theory of Intelligent Design, but he is perhaps the best known. In an article in "Science, Philosophy and Religion, A Symposium," (see LINK below) Einstein said, "Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."

In the last paragraph of his essay, "The World as I See It," Einstein wrote, "I am satisfied with the mystery of life's eternity and with a knowledge, a sense, of the marvelous structure of existence - as well as the humble attempt to understand even a tiny portion of the Reason that manifests itself in nature." While Einstein referred to the Designer as "Reason" rather than "God," his writings make it very clear that he believed that an intelligent Designer crafted our universe and all that is within it.

On the other hand, Darwin postulated that all life somehow crawled out of primordial ooze and miraculously became differentiated as mammals, reptiles, fish, fowl and so on. It seems that such a far-fetched theory would require much more faith than simply believing that God did what He said He did inGenesis: He created everything according to His plan.

On page 293 of his book, "The Origin of the Species," Darwin stated that his THEORY would ultimately be proven by the fossil record. This has never happened. If the theory were true, at least some of the millions of fossils discovered by scientists would have provided a "missing link", a fossil that was clearly part one species as well as part another. Although there have been several attempts over the years to fake evidence to prove Darwin's theory, the "missing link" has never been found.

Scientists in China have discovered ancient bacteria that cast doubt on Darwin's theory, and have published papers stating this. One of them, Jian Yuan Chan, said, "In China, we can criticize Darwin, but we cannot criticize the government. In the US you can criticize the government, but you cannot criticize Darwin."

The issue of Intelligent Design came to national attention recently because of an ongoing debate in Dover, Pennsylvania. (See LINK, "What's the Big Secret?" below.) The school board in Dover announced a year ago that high-school biology teachers would inform their students that other theories existed besides evolution. A New York Times article states, "A statement is read to biology students asserting that Darwin's theory 'is not a fact,' urging them 'to keep an open mind' and pointing them to the seminal book on intelligent design, 'Of Pandas and People.' Students are allowed to leave class when it is read."

Of course Dover liberals are incensed. They want to hide from the children the fact that other valid theories are accepted by large portions of the scientific community. They are not satisfied that students are allowed to leave class during the short statement. They want the discussion to be held (if at all) in humanities classes. Of course this would send a clear signal to students that the theory is unscientific; otherwise, why would it not be discussed in science classes?

It should be noted that many proponents of Intelligent Design are not religious; they are simply intellectually honest scientists who see the flaws in evolutionary theory. Without calling the Designer "God", they recognize that the complex organisms that populate our universe could not have resulted from anything other than systematic design by an intelligent being. Unfortunately, these scientists are hounded by their evolutionist peers, often losing their jobs because of their beliefs.

Scientists who would censor or intimidate others with differing theories are not worthy of the title "Scientist." A Wall Street Journal Editorial (see LINK below) recently exposed the decades-long persecution of scientists who support the theory of Intelligent Design (ID). It used as an example a scientist at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History in Washington, Richard Steinberg. Steinberg, who holds two PhD's in biology, was the editor of a Museum publication that printed an article on ID which had been reviewed by scientific peers prior to publication. He was demoted and a concerted effort is underway to ruin his career.

Steinberg's immediate supervisor was asked by top Museum officials, "Is he religious?", as if being religious was something of which he should be ashamed. "Is he a right-wing conservative?" One's political beliefs should not be an issue in the scientific community. But since the great majority of faculty members at US universities are far-left liberals, it is always an issue. The Editorial concludes, " an essential ingredient in secularism, that aggressive, quasi-religious faith without a deity. The Sternberg case seems, in many ways, an instance of one religion persecuting a rival, demanding loyalty from anyone who enters one of its churches - like the National Museum of Natural History."

The Journal Editor got it right. Darwinism stems from dialectical materialism, the philosophy of Marxism. Communism/socialism is a religion that demands blind faith and obedience. Darwinism is an offshoot of that false religion. It, too, demands blind faith, and its disciples persecute anyone who believes differently.

Our children deserve better than being brainwashed by their schools into believing a false religion is based on fact. They deserve to be told that evolution is nothing more than a theory that has never been proven, and allowed to consider alternatives to that theory.


What's the Big Secret?

Wall Street Journal Editorial Exposes Witch Hunt in Scientific Community

Intelligent Design and Evolution Awareness Center

Ten Questions to Ask Your Biology Teacher about Evolution

A Finely-Tuned Universe: What Are the Odds?

The World As I See It- An Essay by Albert Einstein

Newsweek: Intelligent Design, "A NEW Idea"! Or is it?

Science, Philosophy and Religion, a Symposium

Tom Barrett has been an ordained minister for 30 years. He has written for local and national publications for most of his life, and has authored several non-fiction books. He has been interviewed on many TV and radio programs, and speaks at seminars nationwide. Tom is the editor and publisher of Conservative Truth, an email newsletter read by over fifty thousand weekly which focuses on moral and political issues from a Biblical viewpoint.

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