North Texas Skeptics

NTS Logo The Dallas Philosopher's Forum
2001-2002 Schedule

September 11, 2001: "Understanding Dewey: Starting at the starting point."
Douglas Browning, Professor of Philosophy, University of Texas at Austin

September 25, 2001: "Why I am no longer a surgeon: Moral dilemmas in modern aesthetic surgery."
Dr. Jeffrey Isenberg, MD, MPH, ABS, Editor in Chief, Journal of Surgery and Medicine

October 9, 2001: "Renegotiating with the gods: a sociobiological perspective."
Joe Barnhardt, Professor of Philosophy, University of North Texas

October 23, 2001: "Schelling's objective idealism: The function of art in evolution."
Sam Gholson, retired Professor of Art, Heidelberg College, DPF Board of Directors member

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