Volume 12 Number 10 | www.ntskeptics.org | November 1998 |
Immanuel Velikovsky, a bit earlier than this, wrote several books in which he claimed that the planet Venus had once been a comet that made several close passes to the earth during prehistoric or proto-historic times. These violent celestial encounters, according to Velikovsky, caused all sorts of natural catastrophes that were memorialized by the survivors in epic accounts of a Great Flood and so on. Unfortunately, Velikovsky's claims are not consistent with elementary mechanics as taught to high school and college physics students.
Now here comes another crackpot: one Jeremy Narby by name. And his book is featured as a selection by Newbridge Communications' Library of Science (LOS) book club in its Spring 1988 Volume 215 catalog. It's right there being given equal billing with the usual fare of popular science books by Sagan and other reputable scientists! But readers should draw their own conclusions. The promo text for Narby's book The Cosmic Serpent reads as follows:
The beginnings of his exploration lay with Peruvian Indians who claim their now scientifically confirmed data had its origins in plant-induced hallucinations and that during these experiences they gain knowledge that could not possibly be acquired through traditional methods of trial and error. Narby suggests that indigenous and ancient people have known (and drawn) the DNA double helix structure for millennia, something Western science only discovered in 1953. The cosmic serpent found in myths and imagery all over the world (even in cultures where there are no snakes) may indeed be a metaphor for the double helix if DNA ... [which] suggests that DNA, and the life it codes for at the cellular level, are minded.
... The biodiversity of tropical forests represent a fabulous resource, but without the botanical knowledge of indigenous people which this book helps us understand, biotechnicians will be reduced to blindly testing the medicinal properties of its estimated 80,000 plant species.
I have nominated Narby's Nonsense for a Pigasus Award (when pigs can fly) from the James Randi Educational Foundation.
Scott Allen is an M.D. radiologist from Garland, and he
explained all this at the October meeting. The topic was "Aliens,
Angels, and Archetypes." Scott Allen speaks occasionally on New Age
topics, he being an active proponent. An associated issue of New
Age is the matter of post modernism. By way of introduction, let
me just note that the post modernists believe that science is not the proper
way to study the universe. All interpretations of the universe are
equally correct if they are truly believed the post modernists will tell
you, and experimentation is not required for confirmation.
Dr. Allen explained one aspect of this. Figure 1
shows how fiction becomes fact with time. Dr. Allen explained that
powered, heavier-than-air flight started out as fiction, denied by all
the great minds of the time. This is the upper region between the
two lines. Where the lines cross is where the Wright brothers performed
their first powered flight. Even afterward this fact was unknown
by most and denied by many who were told. Finally, as the diagram
shows, as more people came to believe, the truth became fact.
Figure 1
He also illustrated with the matter of helicopter flight.
Scott Allen told us he first flew in a helicopter when he was eight, and
he asked if anybody present had not experienced helicopter flight.
I raised my hand, of course. Though I had worked on helicopters and
programmed computers on helicopters, I had always watched from the ground
as they took off. Dr. Allen pointed out that as more people participated
in it, helicopter flight took on more reality and less fantasy, ultimately
becoming very real.
Much the same holds for a number of other modern beliefs
we were told. In this talk and in others, Dr. Allen has
discussed the electromagnetic spectrum. Electromagnetic radiation
is his livelihood, as you might suspect, and he has some interesting comments
on the topic. Figure 2 is from an illustration he uses.
Figure 2
The wavy line in the bottom of the figure represents the
electromagnetic spectrum. The spectrum is a continuum of energy from
very long wavelengths on the left to very short wavelengths on the right.
The long wavelengths would typically be radio waves, and the short wavelengths
would be x-rays, Scott Allen's specialty. The wavy line at the top
is a separate part of the spectrum that can travel faster than light.
This phenomenon, Dr. Allen contends, is part and parcel
to what Albert Einstein had called the "spooky, action-at-a-distance" principle
of quantum mechanics. It so happens that this is something increasingly
in the news, with researchers like Alain Aspect, Bernard d'Espagnat and
others publishing about and popularizing this queer corner of physics.
In short, when a property of two elementary particles is described by a
single quantum state, the two particles show a remarkable correspondence
with each other, even when they are miles apart. Furthermore, this
correspondence propagates practically instantaneously, Dr. Einstein and
special relativity not-withstanding.
Dr. Allen brought up the matter of the late physicist
David Bohm, who, though he never won the Nobel Prize, was famous for some
of his ideas concerning non-local action-at-a-distance. Dr. Allen
did not mention David Bohm's association with Robert Oppenheimer and Joseph
McCarthy's communist witch hunts of the 1950s and why David Bohm left the
US and never came back. He did not mention Jack Sarfatti, either.
Since this was not a physics lecture, I let all that slide. Our readers
can follow up on Bohm and Sarfatti by reading Martin Gardner's bookScience
Good, Bad and Bogus and James Randi's book Flim-Flam.
You might also check out Vic Stenger's excellent article "The Spooks of
Quantum Mechanics" in the fall 1990 issue of Skeptical Inquirer.
Actually, just about everybody has written about this topic. Check
out my comments in the sci.physics FAQ on the Internet. Sci.physics
moderator Scott I. Chase and others have patched up my original submission
and made it an interesting read. Even Jack Sarfatti has jumped into
the issue, as you will see if you follow the links.
Vic Stenger's Web page on this topic is at:
A page on the EPR paradox can be found at the following
URL. There are pointers there to related discussions:
Skeptics were not the only ones to turn out for Scott
Allen's presentation. A participant known as "Ron" had even more
remarkable worlds to reveal. Ron reaffirmed Scott Allen's views on
reality and the powers of the liberated mind. He let slip that he
had the amazing ability to pass through solid walls and to see what was
inside closed rooms. Impressed, we let slip our offer of a $6000
cash prize to anybody who could demonstrate this to us. Ron let slip
what he really thought of our prize.
Ron's accomplishments were not confined to our squalid
earthly existence, either. He had, he told us, journeyed to the Pleiades
and had conversed with the Pleiadeans. They had their own language
he informed us, and he explained one of the words of the Pleiadean language
as proof of what he was saying.
At the end of the session several of us pressed Scott
and Ron to make good on their pronouncements of the paranormal. We
again reminded them of the $6000. Both graciously declined, of course.
Scott assured us that what he knew to be true did not require confirmation
by others. He made the comparison with casting pearls before swine.
I had to think about that for a while. The swine I could figure out.
It was the pearls I could not account for.
It's for sure that Scott and Ron and the others of the
New Age have a different outlook on reality. While we are held back
by the speed of light, to say nothing of mired in rush-hour traffic, they
freely roam the universe and pluck flowers (figuratively) among the stars.
Who am I to deny Ron his vision. Who am I, anyhow. Ron has
been to the Pleiades and back. And I've never even ridden in a helicopter.
It's said that patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel,
but as we all know, the first refuge is religion, preferably an extremely
public religious conversion. Anyone who's ever attended a small town
tent revival knows that nothing redeems the reputation of the town reprobate
faster than one good, tearful repentance, performed in front of as many
spectators as possible. Thus have we been treated over the past two
months to that entertaining spectacle that I like to call "Brother Clinton's
Traveling Salvation Show."
When our straying prez finally broke down in August and
admitted what anyone with more than two brain cells already suspected (that
he and his thong-sporting intern had been giving new meaning to the phrase,
"in bed with big tobacco"), his speech seemed grudging and combative, with
an obvious subtext of "How dare you peons catch me?!" Naturally,
this did not set well with the yokels outside the
Beltway, so within days, Plan B went into effect.
Voila! One miraculous religious conversion, comin' right up!
Overnight, our oversexed overseer morphed into Jimmy Swaggart,
shedding glycerin tears and weeping, "Ah have sinned!" in front of any
group of Bible-toters who would have him. Particularly shameless
was his performance in front of a prayer breakfast of compliant ministers
(as fuming fundamentalists fulminated outside, boycotting the Fakin' 'n'
Eggs buffet). This was followed by the appointing of two ministers
as his staff spiritual advisors, to be on call 24 hours a day to help him
fight his carnal temptations (I picture him contacting them by shining
the Bat Signal, except it's a silhouette of a naked woman, like the ones
that appear on truckers' mudflaps). One of these ministers has a
history of adultery himself, making him uniquely qualified to offer both
godly advice and dating tips. Frankly, I don't know why Clinton doesn't
just go all the way and offer White House staff positions to Tammy Faye
as Presidential Crying Coach and Robert Tilton as Head of Fundraising.
Mighty odd behavior, one might think, for the leader of
a political party that prides itself as the defender of the separation
of church and state. But desperate times call for desperate measures.
Besides, the "old time religion" aspect of this charade only lasted a couple
of weeks before it began evolving into a more mass-appeal variety of New
Age self-worship, à la that classic Whitney Houston anthem, "The
Greatest Love Of All" (is learning to love myself). And of course,
to find it in your heart to forgive yourself.
Two months removed from the original semi-confession,
the Old Testament has been replaced as the guidebook for governance by
pollsters, who seem more omniscient than God, anyway, or at least more
omnipresent. The latest White House doctrine holds that the sin was
not so bad after all; that law enforcement officials who are investigating
the leader are the true evil; that as long as you preach peace and do good
works, you can do whatever you want in private and not feel guilty; that
anyone who doubts the leader's divinity is part of the vast conspiracy
against him; and that there's no such thing as lying, it's just "creating
your own reality."
That's right, the power of the U.S. government is no longer
in the hands of fundamentalist religious fanatics in Congress. It's
now in the hands of a New Age cult leader. I know I'll sleep easier.
v v v v
Given Clinton's recent move into the spiritual realm,
it's not surprising that his support is stronger than ever in Hollywood,
where crackpot New Age religions flourish like weeds over a septic tank.
Of course, the word they prefer is "spirituality," a term used by people
who like the idea of being religious, but don't like religion.
One of Clinton's most vocal defenders has been the ever-evolving
Madonna, who is looking more and more these days like an illustration from
an Indian restaurant menu (she's even started dying her hair entirely black
instead of just dying the roots black, the way she did when she was a blonde).
The Catholic iconography she once appropriated now being passé,
she has moved on to a weird cocktail of Hinduism, ancient Judaism and narcissism.
A recent bulletin informs us that she is deepening her spirituality by
learning Sanskrit and taking yoga classes (as if she needed to be more
limber) to "help keep me humble." If that's the goal, she might want
to schedule extra classes.
Not surprisingly, Madonna's faux-Hinduism has outraged
real Hindus, some of whom howled in protest after Madonna appeared on the
MTV Music Video Awards, wearing a Hindu symbol of purity on her face while
gyrating suggestively in a see-through T-shirt. If it is any comfort,
I can assure them that nobody noticed her face.
Madonna's recent move into mysticism is partly sparked
by her involvement with the Kabbalah Learning Center in Los Angeles.
It's one of those places like the Scientology Center that entices celebrities
by combining mystical religion, feel-good aphorisms and a country club
atmosphere. Other famous KLC regulars include Roseanne, Barbra Streisand,
Elizabeth Taylor, Sandra Bernhard, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern.
The KLC supposedly instructs people in a form of ancient
Judaism known as Kabbalah, but a recent expose in Self magazine
by Rabbi Michael Skobac, director of Jews For Judaism, makes it appear
that the KLC is not exactly kosher. For instance, the rabbi notes
that religious fanaticism has sparked a number of divorces among KLC devotees
(although that could just be Liz Taylor throwing off the curve).
But that's not surprising, since KLC founder Rabbi Philip Berg reportedly
dumped his wife and seven kids in Israel to move to America and start instructing
other people in proper living.
The KLC's letterhead states, "Established 1922, Jerusalem,"
when Self notes that it was actually founded in 1969 and has no
branch in Israel. There are also allegations that the KLC leaned
on an elderly couple to fork over much of their life savings and that they
charge members outrageous prices for religious texts and trinkets available
at any Jewish bookstore for a fraction of the cost. An example that
will make Robert Tilton fans nostalgic: $26 for a five-cent red yarn bracelet
that's been "energized at a sacred tomb." KLC followers still need
to learn some of the greatest Jewish words of wisdom: "Never pay retail!"
As the KLC siphons off rich celebrities from L.A.'s Scientology
Center, L. Ron Hubbard's army also faces new competition on the East Coast.
An attractive female guru named Swami Chidvilasananda (she's obviously
doing well enough to buy plenty of vowels) has opened an ashram in Fallsburg,
New York, which is described by the New York Post as being more
like a four-star hotel in St. Tropez than a monastery. And she's
attracting the cream of monied New Yorkers, including fashion magazine
editors, heirs to family fortunes, and such stars as Sting, Meg Ryan, Phylicia
Rashad and Betty Buckley.
Aside from the guru's physical beauty, the celebrity-attracting
hooks of her religion include lessons in meditation to "put you in touch
with who you really are" (maybe Sting will even remember his last name!),
plenty of mumbo-jumbo about reincarnation and karma, and a blessing with
a peacock feather which absolves you of hundreds of thousands of years
worth of sins (some rock stars manage to pack that many into one weekend).
Not surprisingly, the New Yorker ran an article accusing Swami Chidvilasananda
of too-aggressive fundraising, but her spokesman dismissed it as "anonymous
allegations." Besides, you don't think peacocks just go around dropping
feathers on the ground so you can pick them up for free, do you?
All these New Age religions offer a combination of factors
that are irresistible to errant politicians and wealthy showbiz stars,
many of whom harbor inner guilt that they became famous while their equally-talented
peers are still waiting tables. They provide an absolving of all
guilt, affirmation of the celebrity's self-centered view of the universe,
an absence of that annoying and outdated belief in punishment and repentance
that mainstream religions are so fond of, and of course, a luxurious place
of worship complete with juice bar and fitness center. Imagine how
many more Baptists there would be in Hollywood if they'd just drop the
concept of sin and convert the Baptism tank into a jacuzzi.
Well, I must sign off now, as I am writing this on Halloween,
and I wouldn't want to offend any Wiccans or Druids by working on a religious
holiday. In closing, if anything I've said in this column has insulted
your favorite singer or politician, if I have in any way offended your
religious views, or if I have come across as cynical and mean-spirited,
I just want to say this:
"PLEEEEEEEEESE forgive me! Ah have sinned!!"
There! All better!
Skeptical Inquirer Electronic
Digest by Matthew Nisbet and Barry Karr
Permission is granted to reprint or repost on the web.
we encourage translation into foreign languages.
"Power of belief" delights many
October 6, ABC News ran their much anticipated John Stossel special on
belief in the paranormal. Featuring provocative visuals and snappy
soundbites, the hour-long program was a critical review of firewalking,
psychic sleuths, therapeutic touch, alternative therapy nostrums, near-death
experience, astrology and spiritual mediums.
Unlike the majority of media presentations, which in the
name of "balance" present most any claim in the wide realm of the paranormal
as unsolved mysteries, John Stossel and his production team at the Stossel
Unit of ABC News provided responsible, critical information and commentary
for American audiences.
The special featured investigator of unusual claims and
CSICOP founding fellow James Randi. One of the most illustrative
segments of the program aired clips from Randi's now famous Carlos hoax
from the 1980s. With the aid of an Australian news program, Randi
trained a young Miami artist to impersonate a medium. In the stage
show and multi-city tour, Carlos and his claims were unleashed on the rest
of the Australian media. Sure enough, the media bought into Carlos'
tale with little or no background investigation or criticism.
Viewers of the ABC News program can post reviews on the
Council for Media Integrity Website at:
You can also send comments to ABC News by going to:
Cambridge publishes neo-creationism
Marty Rudin martyrudin@hotmail.com
posted the following on the Skeptix list server:
Creationists have finally slipped one past the goalkeeper.
Cambridge University Press has just published William A. Dembski's The
Design Inference. In it Dembski acknowledges such creationists as Phillip
Johnson, Michael Behe, and A. E. Wilder-Smith. The creationist David Berlinski
wrote the jacket endorsement (see below).
If you really want to see what Dembski is up to, compare
this book to his blatantly theological Mere Creation: Science, Faith
& Intelligent Design (from the evangelical Christian publisher
InterVarsity). This book has also just been published. In it Dembski lays
out the theological agenda behind the so-called "intelligent design movement."
This neo-creationism is a lot more sophisticated and slickly
packaged than the creationism that lost in the courts back in the 80s.
Given that 50% of Americans are creationists, this new-style creationism
may not only slip past the academic publishers (as it has here), but also
past the courts. The threat to science education is real. I urge
you to take this threat seriously and meet it head on.
How can we identify events due to intelligent causes and
distinguish them from events due to undirected natural causes? If we lack
a causal theory, how can we determine whether an intelligent cause acted?
This book presents a reliable method for detecting intelligent causes:
the design inference. The design inference uncovers intelligent causes
by isolating the key trademark of intelligent causes: specified events
of small probability. Just about anything that happens is highly improbable,
but when a highly improbable event is also specified (i.e., conforms to
an independently given pattern) undirected natural causes lose their explanatory
power. Design inferences can be found in a range of scientific pursuits
from forensic science to research into the origins of life to the search
for extraterrestrial intelligence. This challenging and provocative book
shows how incomplete undirected causes are for science and breathes new
life into classical design arguments.
It will be read with particular interest by philosophers
of science and religion, other philosophers concerned with epistemology
and logic, probability and complexity theorists, and statisticians.
"As the century and with it the millennium come to an
end, questions long buried have disinterred themselves and come clattering
back to intellectual life, dragging their winding sheets behind them. Just
what, for example, is the origin of biological complexity and how is it
to be explained? We have no more idea today than Darwin did in 1859, which
is to say no idea whatsoever. William Dembski's book is not apt to be the
last word on the inference to design, but it will surely be the first.
It is a fine contribution to analysis, clear, sober, informed,
mathematically sophisticated and modest. Those who agree with its point
of view will read it with pleasure, and those who do not, will ignore it
at their peril."
- David Berlinski,
Aliens, angels and archetypes
by John Blanton
was once science fiction is now science fact. What was imaginary
is now real. All we need is to wait.
The Third Eye
By Pat Reeder
it's been a long time since my last column. Thanks to Danny Barnett's
wonderful (and wonderfully lengthy) series on exorcism, I was able to take
an extended vacation. Not surprisingly, a lot of garbage piled up
over the past few months, and now, it's time to take it out...on you.
For some reason, possibly millennium fever, much of it involves New Agey
religious doubletalk, spouted from some pretty unlikely sources.
It's everywhere from the entertainment and society columns to the political
news, so let's start with the front page.
In some respects we are like Consumer Reports;
we don't take advertising. However, when offered enough money we are not
exactly like Consumer Reports. Unless you want to see
more advertising in The Skeptic you must send $30 immediately and join
the NTS!
Figure 1. It's a dream come true. Throw away all your
pain medication.
Figure 2. Here's where you put the magnets. Nobody
in Connecticut has shoulder pains.
3. With testimonials like this, why look further?
author of The Tour of the Calculus.
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