18 / L I G H T E M E R G I N G
acupuncture points through coronal discharge photography. This photography uses a very high frequency, high voltage, and low current sent through the subject.
The high frequency does not harm the subject because the current is low and high frequencies only travel over the skin of the subject. There have been a few experiments to show the correlations between the measured "biofield" and the
perceived "human energy field." The best that I know of are those done by Dr. Valerie Hunt at UCLA and by Dr. Andria Puharich in his private laboratory. Dr .
Hunt's experimental results show direct correlations between the frequency and wave patterns of alternating electrical currents measured on the body surface and specific colors perceived by an "aura" reader. Dr. Hunt has performed the same measurements with twelve different "aura" readers using HSP. And in each case, for each color read she found a specific wave-form and frequency pattern. Dr. Puharich was able to consistently measure an 8 Hz ( eight cycles per second) magnetic pulse coming from the hands of healers. He found that healers who produce a more intense signal have a greater effect of healing. Dr. Robert Beck, a nuclear physicist, traveled the world measuring the brain waves of healers. He found that all healers exhibit the same brain-wave pattern of 7.8-8 Hz during the times they are giving healings, no matter what their customs or how opposed to each other their customs were. Beck tested charismatic Christian faith healers, Hawaiian Kahunas, practitioners of Wicca, Santeria, Radesthesia, and Radionics, as well as seers, ESP readers, and psychics. They all tested the same. He then asked to what drummer they were marching. And indeed, why. He found the answer in the fluctuations of the earth's magnetic field. It fluctuates between 7.8 and 8 Hz. These fluctuations are called Schumann waves. Upon further investigation, he found that during healing moments, the healer's brain waves became both frequency-and phase-synchronized with the Schurnann waves. That means the healer's brain waves pulse not only at the same
frequency but also at the same time as the earth's Schumann waves. It could be assumed that healers are able to take energy from the magnetic field of the earth for the healing of patients. This process is called field coupling.
Dr. John Zimmerman, founder and president of the Bio-Electro-Magnetics Institute of Reno, Nevada, has extensively studied the literature of many works on
field coupling and correlated it with healers' experiences. It is clear that what healers call grounding into…