North Texas Skeptics
The Newsletter of the North Texas Skeptics
December 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
Scientific American
does pseudoscience
More on Plutonium Twaddle
Anti-science at the Smithsonian
The third eye
November 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
Startling news at MIOS
The third eye
Plutonium Twaddle
Good news, almost
Contacting the NTS
October 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
Have You Been Brainwashed?
The Third Eye
The End is Near
September 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
Condemned to Repeat It (part 2)
Modern Dinosaurs at MIOS
Flying Saucers or Fiendish Spirits?
The Skeptic Friends Network
August 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
A note from the editor
My Bible can beat up your Bible
Condemned to repeat it
July 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
The Third Eye - by Pat Reeder
Seriously, Though
What's New
June 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
The Third Eye - by Pat Reeder
"Don't Know Much About History"
Heaven's Gate Linked To The Media
May 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
"Intuitive Archaeology"
The Third Eye - by Pat Reeder
Perpetual Nonsense - by John Thomas
The '3-D' Post-Santa Syndrome
Cartoon by Laura Ainsworth
April 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
Forensic Science at NTS
The Third Eye - by Pat Reeder
Heaven's Gate by John Blanton
Cult Sites on the Web
From Vic Stenger and the Hawaii Rational Inquirer
Web News by John Blanton
APS on Creationism
Skeptic by e-mail
As Seen on TV
March 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
The Third Eye - by Pat Reeder
Energized Water by Edgar Camargo
Web News by John Blanton
Review of February Program by John Blanton
Skeptic by e-mail
Up a Tree - cartoon by Laura Ainsworth
February 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
I Have Seen the Enemy
Election of Officers
The Third Eye
Living Dinosaurs at MIOS
Up a Tree -- Cartoon
January 1997
The Skeptic
(entire newsletter)
Not the Millennium
Carl Sagan
Skeptical Quotes
What's New
Fact Sheets
NTS Home Page