North Texas Skeptics is a registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity (EIN 75-2275586), so your donations are tax deductible.
Membership in The North Texas Skeptics costs $30 per year. Here is what you get:
- The pride of belonging to an organization that takes a stand for rational thinking in an irrational world
- The right to vote for the NTS Board of Directors
- The right to serve as a member of the NTS Board of Directors or as an NTS officer
Participation in North Texas Skeptics events are open to the public and do not require membership in the organization. We graciously accept any donations to the organization.
There are a number of ways to pay your membership dues or to donate.
- Bring your check or cash to an NTS event. Contact one of the officers present at the event.
- Pay through PayPal using one of the buttons below. PayPal will allow you to use a credit card or your PayPal account. “Pay Dues” for membership, and “Donate” to make a donation of any amount.
- Mail your check to the NTS mailing address below. It is not recommended to send cash through the postal mail. If you use postal mail for your membership, include your postal mailing address and email address with your payment.
For Membership:
For Donations:
If you do not have a PayPal account, you can still pay with a credit card through PayPal. Click the “continue” link in the lower left of the PayPal page where you see the credit card logos.
Mailing Address
The North Texas Skeptics
P.O. Box 111794
Carrollton, TX 75011-1794