NTS Program for Saturday: The Breatharians

Saturday, 26 August 2017

The presentation today is The Breatharians.

The Breatharian  concept is based on Prana, derived from the Sanskrit word for “life force.” Prana is equivalent to the Chinese “xi,” possibly more famous and given as a rationalization for all sorts of pseudo scientific medical practice and philosophies of living.

There will be a discussion of Jasmuheen’s (Ellen Greve) book Pranic Nourishment.

Members and others interested are invited to join an UberConference at 2 p.m. today. Joining the conference by computer will make the presentation visible on-line. Here are the conference details:

Conference call Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
Join the call: https://www.uberconference.com/jf_blanton
Optional dial in number: 719-394-0437
PIN: 55127

The presentation can be followed by downloading or viewing on-line as a PDF. Here is the link:


Update: links from the book Breatharianism, Ionized Water and Pranic Nourishment by Russell Symonds

The Author’s Websites:

My original site


My new website:



Other Websites: Autotrophs and Heterotrophs


Unexplained Mysteries – No Food 65 Years –


For vital updates on the prana absorption diet, please go here:



Lunch For Skeptics In February

Get together with Skeptics this month for fellowship and discussion.


Where: Snuffer’s bar and restaurant at Beltline and Tollway in Addison
When: Saturday 18 February at 11:30 a.m.

Let us know if you are coming. We will get a table for all attending.

John Blanton: jf_blanton@yahoo.com
Prasad Golla: pngolla@yahoo.com



Minutes of the 9 April Meeting

NTS Executive Meeting

9 April 2016



Goal: Explore the feasibility of on-line meetings

Things to Consider:


  • On-line meetings will be more convenient for many members.
  • We can save time, since there are minimum setup and take-down activities.
  • More members and outside guests will be able to attend.
  • We can have speakers from anywhere in the world.
  • Internet access is not required. People can attend by phone.
  • On-line meetings will not replace face-to-face gatherings. These will be reserved for social functions.


  • On-line meetings lose the fact-to-face quality.
  • We need to decide our future dealings with the Meadows Center.
  • The North Texas Skeptics may lose its regional identity.

There are a number of platforms available:

  • Skype
  • Uberconference (we have to pay $10 or $15 per month for greater than ten attendees)
  • Gotomeeting
  • Let’s do some research to see what else is available.

Stategies to improve attendance:

  • Exercise more on-line marketing, recruit additional members, get the word out to members.
  • Obtain high-profile speakers. Authors with books to promote can attend remotely at no cost to themselves (and to us). Prominent activists for skeptical causes can be induced to speak remotely and for free.

Vote: It was decided to move forward with implementing on-line meetings and working to improve participation.

Contact John Blanton (skeptic75287@yahoo.com) and Prasad Golla (pngolla@yahoo.com) to participate or to make suggestions.

January 2015 Annual Meeting

The NTS held its annual meeting 31 January 2015 to elect board members and to appoint officers for 2015. This year we tried an experiment, conducting the meeting partly by Skype conference video. It would appear everybody but me attended at the CCC. I joined in from San Antonio, and I made a short video.

Here are the new North Texas Skeptics directors:

  • Amy Maass (1 year)
  • Claudia Meek (2 years)
  • Erling Beck (1 year)
  • John Blanton (2 years)
  • John Brandt (1 year)
  • Prasad Golla (2 years)
  • David Price (1 year)
  • Mike Selby (2 years)

The board elected the following officers and other positions:

  • Prasad Golla, President (golla@ieee.org)
  • Claudia Meek, Vice President (claudia.meek@ttuhsc.edu)
  • John Brandt, Secretary (jhbrandt@clear.net)
  • David Price, Treasurer (daprice@pobox.com)
  • Erling Beck, Liaison Officer (erling.beck@gmail.com)
  • Amy Maass, Social Director (ajhorsegirl@gmail.com)
  • David Price & John Blanton, Web Masters (daprice@pobox.com, jf_blanton@yahoo.com)

A full list of directors, officers, emeritus, advisers is on the About page.

Here’s a short video clip from the Skype session. My video skills can use some maturity, but we will be doing this again soon, and hopefully we will get more video participation and also better video technique. Here’s the link:
